Minggu, 26 Desember 2021

PumSwap Exchange Upcoming events for all community.


But before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as PUM SWAP.is one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity.

What is a PUMP SWAP?
PumSwap is a decentralized exchange or DEX created for swapping BEP20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, ERC20 tokens on Ethereum with KIP20 tokens on the OkexChain Network.
PumSwap is a decentralized exchange or DEX created for swapping BEP20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, ERC20 tokens on Ethereum with KIP20 tokens on the OkexChain Network. PumSwap is the perfect ecosystem for automated liquidity that is provisioned in the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network where users can trade against a liquidity pool.


To create a strong foundation for the community by giving them incentives in exchange for their support of the Swap Platform. Creating an advanced ecosystem for automated liquidity provisioned on the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Mainnet Network.

Our main target is consumers who are avoiding the high gas fees of Ethereum Blockchain. We aim to be the best platform to manage BSC and OKT chain swaps. We also have an Etherium Blockchain.

Join Presale-2 : http://pumswap.org/presale

PumSwap is a DEX Exchanger with 3 Different Type Of Blockchain Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum & OkexChain Network
Pre Sale
The Mainnet Pre-Sale Price Is
1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB
1 BNB = 20,000 PUM
Mainnet Pre-Sale Starting Date: (27 October 2021)
Mainnet Pre-Sale Token price is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB
Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live for: 30 Days
Bonus For Mainnet Pre-Sale Investors:
Investors of presale who had bought minimum amount of 1 BNB will be enlisted to drawing list.Total $10,000 USDT reward pool. Take snapshote for 3 winner randomly.Winners will be announced 3 working days after the pre-sale ends.

Benefits of Using PumSwap Dex

World Wide Platform
World Wide Platform:
You can use PumSwap swapping platform through decentrelized blockchain on the world wide transection mathod of digital crypto currencies. Fill free to use this ecosystem from any countries. No need to share your personal informations.

Safe Transactions
Safe Transactions:
Low cost transection fees using through BEP20-Binance Smart Chain Network with KIP20-OkexChain Mainnet Network. Safe Transection mathod also use ERC20- Ethereum Blockchain. If you want o avoid high cost transection fees You can use BSC or OKT network.

Digital Payment Ecosystems
Digital Payment Ecosystems:
P2P transetion ecosystem using digital currencies strong & secure digital currencies wallet. Third party Payment ecosystem for transection mathod. All access you have to secured your own accesspoint.

Safe & Secure
Safe Your Own Accesspoint

Global Single-Platform:
You can use PumSwap globally for swap. Connect globally your own wallet for join with us. The single global platform PumSwap is the safe & secured for all transection on BSC, ETH or OKT chain network. Very easy to use our PumSwap global single platform.

Be Safe and Secure
Be Safe and Secure:
You should be save your own public & private keys from your wallet. You can access PumSwap platform using through third party accesspoint contract such as MetaMask

Decentralize Payment Systems
Decentralize Payment Systems
Any one can’t access your own payment & transection for decentralized. Only you have access your own wallet with public & private keys. You can transection from your own accesspoint through third party perfect ecosystem on smart contract.

Winner Reward
First Winner: $5000 USDT
Second Winner: $3000 USDT
Third Winner: $2000 USDT
PumSwap represents next step in the future tokenization exchange on PumSwap. You Can:
Buy & Sell any currencies through PumSwap Dex Trading Platform (Such as PUM-BNB, PUM-BUSD, More…)
Three different type of network on PumSwap Dex. You can trade using through BEP-20, ERC-20 & KIP-20 mainnet.
You can earn additional yield as a liquidity provider. After liquidity provide you will get PUM_LP token you can stake LP & earn additional $PUM


Mainnet Pre-Sale
Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live on 27 October 2021. Mainnet Token you can transfer & use this token for trade or swap. Mainnet Token will be live on our own DEX & others decentralized/centralized exchangers.
Mainnet Pre-Sale Starting Date: (27 October 2021)
Mainnet Pre-Sale Token price is 1 PUM = 0.00005 BNB
Mainnet Pre-Sale will be live for: 30 Days

PumSwap (PUM) Token:
Smart Contract: 0x11608EDd16091f296F12D362cB8756655C7FA986
Presale Contract: 0x25954aa2C327D2358dC3dA7156D57Dd7B9519f3C


AUTHOR: the clay 
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021


 farmz 1b.png

The prominent Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms offering unique yet insightful solutions for traders and investors are explored in today's article. Time has evolved now that everyone can access financial services rather than the privileged few. This has prompted companies like FARMZ to create efficient and robust crypto trading platforms that enable all traders, investors and financial players to benefit from the opportunities available in today's crypto-economy/network.

FARMZ offers its users the highly innovative FARMZ platform. Read on to learn more about the FarmX cryptocurrency investment and trading platform. Also find out how FARMZ is a breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrency trading platforms.

Farmz Platform operating company is decentralized system which involves a blockchain and consists of several smart-contracts in the perimeter of the blockchain technology and its own crypto currency, and the platform is a system product created by a consortium of the most powerful, competent, and experienced logistic companies and organizations all over the world. And also blockchain and smart contracts serve as the way forward into the Industrial use, creating economies of scale and potentially aggregating supply. Decentralized manufacturing will make the industry more accessible, secure and economically sound for more participants in a direct peer-to-peer (P2P) ecosystem. Therefore, the FarmX Wallet would central to every interaction in the ecosystem, and also be secure storage and exchange platform for both cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, enabling users to deposit, hold, send, and exchange supported cryptocurrencies and fiat. Merchants can freely choose and switch between different blockchain assets for payments. Users can convert from BTC, ETH, BNB and FarmX vice versa, utilize peer-to-peer transfers and exchanges, and pay for merchant services.

Farmz.online is clearly a cryptocurrency project that has a peer to peer digital currency with a value store and also a finite supply. FARMZ aims to consolidate on the successful imprint already put in place by existing cryptocurrencies. The native token of FARMZ is $FARMX which has a stored value which can be used to carry out transactions. The unique thing about FARMX Coin is that its supply continues to decrease as time goes on. $FARMX is a BEP20 Coin found on the Binance Smart Chain. It has a burn function with no form of minting. The Total Supply is 18 Million Farmx token. Farmz platform integrates a hyper deflationary token model. It is expected that this model will help to drive up the price of the token with increasing demand.

farmz 2.png
What is FarmZ Token?
FarmZ token is a BEP-20 Smart chain token that is using Hyperdeflationary & Rewards contract to facilitate token burn and providing reflection rewards to its holders.

• Reward our community as we grow with our unique contract features.
• A Digital Currency, at the Dawn of a New Era.

Farmz Cryptocurrency platform mission is to open the cryptocurrency market to everyone with a variety of interesting products and services. As a trustworthy company, we encourage blockchain adoption and offer a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets. FarmX Token blockchain platform is all engrafted with a set of unique features which makes its outstanding for its users and crypto-currency (digital) traders etc.

farmz 3.png

  • Buy FarmZ
    Join our limited presale and airdrop opportunity. Get FarmZ token are greater discounts
  • Hold FarmZ
    Hold your FarmZ token on your metamask, Trust wallet or any BEP20 compatible wallet to ensure you will receive reflection rewards.
  • Check Wallet
    Watch your BNB, BUSD, CAKE & FarmZ balance grows as more transaction occurs in our pancakeswap pair.

Token Metrics of FarmZ
Name - FARMZ
Symbol - FARMX
Decimal - 18
Listing Price 1FarmZ = 5 USD
Network - Smart Chain: 0x98f3397E3Fe756EB2Bd4A19b4527fcd7E1D8EE22
Total Supply: 18,000,000 FarmX
After the Presale all FarmX will be automatically swapped to FarmZ token.

Generally, looking at the plans and proposals of this project, it is safe to say that the token holds great promises, and most importantly, consumers who use it will be at peace, knowing that their investment is safe. One of the ways it will protect the interest of the consumers is by preventing unexpected dips, which is common among other digital coins. Dips and inflation usually decrease the value of an investment, and consumers end up suffering losses. Unlike other cryptocurrency investment platforms, FarmZ functions as a decentralized and multi-exchange platform that offers tools and features to facilitate traders to better manage their orders and earn profits. Given that the crypto market is witnessing strong market ups and downs and speculators exploit customer orders to cause market movements. FarmZ platform has revealed a powerful strategy that consumers interested in the token can keep handy to follow up with the latest advancement of the token.

For more information:

AUTHOR: the clay 
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Kamis, 23 Desember 2021

Metakings - AI and NFT-powered battle platform


AUTHOR: the clay 
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Rabu, 22 Desember 2021

SpyritCoin | MetaVerse game with NFT


Spyrit is a blockchain network developed with two economical protocols; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, or R2BI, which is a strategic tax program that incentivizes Token holders (SPY) to hold the Spyrit Coins for at least 90 days to be eligible for a tax payout, and Liquidity Acquisition, or LAQ, which is the selling of coins by Spyrit Coins utilizing a smart contract to create an immediate buyer in order to build liquidity on the Waves Blockchain.

Spyrit is a utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain. Each token will go up to market price in USD(T) through the development of two economic protocols; Reoccurring Tax Back to Investors, and Liquidity Acquisition. The project aims to analyze over 5 billion of different industries and thousands of Blockchain-based currencies and traditional investment instruments.

The data gathered about this analysis will be used as trading signals for an Auto-Trading system which will act on behalf of token holders autonomously from human interference or intervention.

SpyritCoin is a utility token built on a Polygon platform over Ethereum with two economic protocols.

The SpyritCoin ICO is live now and one of the hottest utility tokens of 2018. The Spyrit team consists of an international team of blockchain and media industry veterans who have been building Spyrit off-chain solutions to resolve scalability issues on top Blockchain networks.

With two economic protocols built into the platform that offer a real solution to the problems plaguing Utility token investors and bounty hunters the world over.

SpyritCoin will be one of the first Utility Tokens to incentivize its investors with Taxback from the master node participants. Investors can remain anonymous so that they feel more safe and secure knowing their contributions will still be rewarded without their details being disclosed.

Spyrit have a working platform currently, and will be launching the ICO on the 18th of April 2018 with the ICO beginning at 3:00PM UTC. Spyrit's unique selling point is that it is the only Utility Token on Polygon, our platform is already built with users already investing in Utility tokens through our platform. We want to make this the biggest Utility Token Sale of 2018

One of the most promising utility tokens of 2018. By installing SpyritCoin on your smartphone, you can pay for your coffee with cryptocurrency. SpyritCoin is being built as a decentralized global communications network infrastructure, offering a wide gamut of services such as mobile apps and desktop software. Utility availability: Set to go live in Q3 2018.

Our ETH is currently being dumped in the fake ETH wallet listed on our website. This wallet contains a smart contract with an anti-dump mechanism built into it which will dump our ETH back to investors through taxation, hence lowering the supply of SPY as well as increase economic activity within Polygon Network without taking any fees from it.

With the SpyritCoin ICO, token investors can benefit from several significant ways. For one, holders of the SpyritCoin tokens will have a say on where the project is headed based on voting rights they have.

Spyrit Coin is a great opportunity for investors to enter the cryptocurrency market. With a robust team, and promising product Spyrit Coin provides investors with several options for the future.

In short, Spyrit Coin has a clear use case in supporting the development of an equitable and distributed storage protocol for decentralized applications. It also has a sustainable funding mechanism that will support the long term goals of the project.

As an added benefit, this project is backed by some of Silicon Valley's best business minds, with experience growing companies like BitTorrent, Dropbox, and Coinbase.

Spyrit is a platform that is bringing a new way of marketing and monetizing mobile advertisement.

More Information:

Values is Metaverse Reserve Protocol on Polygon Network.


Values DAO is organization to realize and implement a very significant shift in the application of economic theory. This shift can be expressed in the following way: in digital economy, the economic forces of demand versus supply are generalized into forces of internal coordination versus price coordination. Supply and demand pertain only to price coordination, while entrepreneurship/self-organization (which falls outside neo-classical price theory) pertain to internal coordination. The framework of internal coordination theory is able to explain economic productivity and intrinsic value within digital economy, as distinguished from the more specific materials economy.Internal coordination is still underappreciated as a form of economic productivity, with particular relevance to digital economy. Internal coordination is separate from the forces of supply and demand, and is what equilibrates or regulates supply and demand. Thus, it is what motivates natural self-correction and self-governance by market participants themselves from within the market. The market requires a human being, an entrepreneur, to recognize and solve existing coordination problems, outside of the price mechanism. This happens through the negotiation of social norms. The market is only self-regulating and self-correcting to the extent that common sense norms are negotiated and shared by everyday participants, through internal coordination.The dynamics of internal coordination versus price coordination were first articulated in transaction cost economics, by Ronald Coase in his essay The Nature of the Firm (1937), and later by Douglass North in Transaction Costs, Institutions, and Economic Performance (1992). Transaction costs are essentially extra-monetary communication costs of operating in a market. They include costs of planning, deciding, and deliberation. Essentially, transaction costs reflect the normative rules that internally self-govern and self-regulate market activity.

What is Values?
Values is Metaverse Reserve Protocol on Polygon Network based on the $VALUES token. Each $VALUES token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g. MAI, FRAX) in the Values treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. Values Protocol gives a possibility to back NFT tokens to the treasury liquidity. Values introduce economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.

Values is partly fork for OlympusDAO with own twist applied for NFT Bonding for metaverse space and based on Polygon network.

What is the point of Values?
Our goal is to build a policy-controlled liquidity system for NFT metaverse space, in which the behavior of the $VALUES token is controlled at a high level by the DAO. In the long term, we believe this system can be used to optimize for stability and consistency so that $VALUES can function as a global unit-of-account and medium-of-exchange currency in a decentralized metaverse. In the short term, we intend to optimize the system for growth and wealth creation.

How do I participate in Values?
There are two main strategies for market participants: staking and bonding. Stakers stake their $VALUES tokens in return for more $VALUES tokens, while bonders provide LP or MAI tokens in exchange for discounted $VALUES tokens after a fixed vesting period.

How can I benefit from Values?
The main benefit for stakers comes from supply growth. The ValuesDAO harvests new $VALUES tokens from the treasury, the majority of which are distributed to the stakers thanks for the $VALUES tokens they offered. Thus, the gain for stakers will come from their auto-compounding balances, though price exposure remains an important consideration. That is, if the increase in token balance outpaces the potential drop in price (due to inflation), stakers would make a profit.

The main benefit for bonders comes from price consistency. Bonders commit a capital upfront and are promised a fixed return at a set point in time; that return is in $VALUES and thus the bonder's profit would depend on $VALUES price when the bond matures. Bonders benefit from a rising or static $VALUES price.

Who created Values?
Values is a fork of OlympusDAO with its twist applied for NFT space on the Polygon Network that will help other projects build a decentralized metaverse. Our core team has combined experience in computer science, cryptography, economy, and design. Followed by years of experience in crypto. We prefer to stay mostly anonymous for the success of this project because of our aim at becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

Who runs Values?
Currently, most of the decisions are taken by the core team, but we expect to be able to turn this into a DAO-governed model as soon as possible with your help!

What is Staking
Staking is the primary value accrual strategy of Values. Stakers stake their $VALUES on the Values website to earn rebase rewards. The rebase rewards come from the proceed from bond sales, and can vary based on the number of $VALUES staked in the protocol and the reward rate set by monetary policy.

Staking is a passive, long-term strategy. The increase in your stake of $VALUES translates into a constantly falling cost basis converging on zero. This means even if the market price of $VALUES drops below your initial purchase price, given a long enough staking period, the increase in your staked $VALUES balance should eventually outpace the fall in price.

When you stake, you lock $VALUES and receive an equal amount of sVALUES. Your sVALUES balance rebases up automatically at the end of every epoch. sVALUES is transferable and therefore composable with other DeFi protocols.

When you unstake, you burn sVALUES and receive an equal amount of VALUES. Unstaking means the user will forfeit the upcoming rebase reward. Note that the forfeited reward is only applicable to the unstaked amount; the remaining staked VALUES (if any) will continue to receive rebase rewards.

What is bonding?
Bonding(1,1) is the secondary value accrual strategy of Values. It allows Values to acquire its own liquidity and other reserve assets such as LUSD by selling $VALUES at a discount in exchange for these assets. The protocol quotes the bonder with terms such as the bond price, the amount of $VALUES tokens entitled to the bonder, and the vesting term. The bonder can claim some of the rewards ($VALUES tokens) as they vest, and at the end of the vesting term, the full amount will be claimable.

Bonding is an active, short-term strategy. The price discovery mechanism of the secondary bond market renders bond discounts more or less unpredictable. Therefore bonding is considered a more active investment strategy that has to be monitored constantly in order to be more profitable as compared to staking.

Bonding allows Values to accumulate its own liquidity. We call our own liquidity POL. More POL ensures there is always locked exit liquidity in our trading pools to facilitate market operations and protect token holders. Since Values becomes its own market, on top of additional certainty for $VALUES investors, the protocol accrues more and more revenue from LP rewards bolstering our treasury.

(1,1) Bonding

  • 1,1 Bonding is the process of buying regular 1,1 Bonds
  • Users can swap selected tokens (usually stable coins like DAI and USDC) or LP pairs directly with the Protocol in exchange for discounted $VALUES tokens.
  • This allows the Protocol to build reserves of stablecoins which help grow the project and allow us to offer attractive APYs.
  • In return, Bonders will receive a linearly vested supply of discounted $VALUES tokens which can be redeemed and staked or traded.

(4,4) Bonding

  • 4,4 Bonding is very similar to (1,1) bonding with some differences
  • The rewards for a 4,4 bonds are paid in sVALUES(staked $VALUES) instead of $VALUES
  • Complete Value of 4,4 bond is staked, not separated into epochs
  • Your rewards compound as they are vested, meaning you don't have to stake them, after claiming them
  • Bonds have a vesting period of 5 days and you can claim at the end.
  • The percentage shown in sidebar is ROI (Return of Investment) after 5 days and not discount.
  • Breakdown of percentage is show on the bonds page
  • In below example ROI is 12.28 = 0.70% (discount) + 11.58% (Rebase rewards on complete amount)

Note: As you get sVALUES, you get rebase rewards even if you don't claim them.
Claiming just moves sVALUES from contract to your total staked amount.


Learn More:

AUTHOR: the clay 
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Jumat, 17 Desember 2021

Socialogue - Merging booming digital space - NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain


NFT stands for non-fungible token, a unit of data stored on the blockchain that certifies a digital asset as unique and non-replicable. The first NFT project was launched back in 2015, but it's 2021 when the market really takes off. In fact, saying it "takes off" is an understatement.

Compared to the second and third quarter of 2021, NFT trading volume increased by 704%. Three months is the time it takes for such growth. With more and more companies launching their own NFT, celebrities, crypto, finance and other experts are backing it, and all the advantages that technology has - NFT will remain. But while the industry is still in its infancy and moving very fast, there is a lot to improve.

There, Socialogue will shine. Socialogue combines all the fast-growing spaces: NFT, blockchain, Metaverse and social media. All combined into one platform. It is built by taking industry best practices and making them even better. And of course overcome the shortcomings.

What is the Socialogue project?
Socialogue is fully autonomous and transparent, as well as client-oriented. Recent history shows that sooner or later everything is centered on social platforms which subject users to strict censorship. With Socialogue and its DAO Framework, this would never have happened. This platform is made for people.

Socialogue NFT Marketplace is part of the platform created and traded. The platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain, but operates without gas fees. Socialogue creates a very user-friendly interface. The Ethereum blockchain enables smooth and secure transactions. Collaboration with Immutable X means zero gas costs on the platform. The marketplace itself is easy to use and straightforward. User friendly interface and zero gas costs create a pleasant experience to participate in Sociologist.

The market offers a variety of NFTs for printing: art, photos, videos, music, short clips, e-books, and even real NFT. Building NFT on the platform is a simple and easy process. There is no step on the road to success. Socialogue offers all the tools for an easy and fun NFT creation process.



  • SAFETY ISSUE: Following the former, the lack of direct communication and multiple channels at play can cause individuals to lose money. The NFT space, like everything else, has a black and white side. The sad truth is that some unscrupulous people use social engineering and other tricks to get someone off the beaten track to a replicated NFT store. The all-in-one platform is a much more secure and convenient solution.

  • NO OPTIONS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE : With the industry growing, NFT and Metaverse are the future. It is very user experience based. Community members have many ways to express their opinions but no option to influence change directly.

  • CLIMATE CONTROVERY: Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs have been criticized for their impact on energy consumption and climate impacts. This problem is real and widespread. An alternative way of using technology is a must.

Socialogue implemented social features and changed the way creators and collectors communicate. We are redefining the word community and the industry itself.

  • INTERACTIONS: Send direct messages to creators, sellers, collectors, or other community members.

  • EXPRESS: Send direct messages to creators, sellers, collectors or other community members.

  • FOLLOW: Choose the members who impress you and watch every step of their journey on Socialogue.

  • INFLUENCE: Make an impact by creating your own followers or joining the DAO senate. You are welcome to do both at Socialogue.


  • METAVERSE: A new and exciting era of gaming.

  • VARIETY: All kinds of games - created by Socialogue and other developers.

  • NFTS & DAOS: Extra benefits and thrills brought to the gaming experience.

  • REWARDS: Real life-like adventures that can earn you real rewards.

The game, powered by NFT and Metaverse, is gaining momentum. This can be an incredibly interesting and rewarding experience. Socialogue will offer a variety of games, created by us and other developers. Held in one place. Reached with any device by using Socialogue Hub.

Socialogue NFT Social Platform brings all social media influence to the NFT space. The importance of social features in platforms is game changing. It overcomes the shortcomings of the industry and provides unlimited opportunities to society.

Socialogue members can write posts, like, share, comment or send direct messages to users of any platform. By actively participating in the community, a member can create their own followers and get rewarded. The opportunity with having a following in the digital economy has never been greater.

Socialogue values ​​transparency. Setting up a profile that other community members can see is easy. This empowers creators, collectors or other members to tell their stories and even showcase the collected NFTs (Fig. 2). Strict verification for content creators is also required to keep the community safe. Socialogue has all the features of a social platform. The ability to communicate within the platform creates extra security and closer relationships. For new opportunities and more confidence.


  • ROYALTIES: Platforms use royalties to purchase NFT floors mainly for two reasons - to reward respectable users and provide stability to the community.

  • RECOGNITION : On the platform, Socialogue values ​​every NFT holder. To compliment them, each NFT owner gets a senator's member badge. They are recognized among other users as DAO
    Members of the Senate, who can vote and decide the future of Socialogue.

  • DAO: The unique structure of the DAO transforms community engagement. Every NFT Socialogue holder becomes a member of the DAO Senate. The goal was to have as many senate members as possible who would shape the future of Socialogue and the entire NFT space. Members of the senate participate in the major decisions of Socialogue.

  • TOKEN : Token launch will take place in Q1 2022. Socialogue will reward each NFT holder.

  • EARN: Holding NFT Socialogue and being part of the community opens up many ways to earn a real economy. Participation in the community, making decisions in the DAO Senate, and other activities is beneficial.


The NFT collection allows Socialogue to add more uniqueness to the platform and user experience. Users can use tokens for various purposes. Again, mainly for better customer experience, increased loyalty and platform stability.

Platform stability is also an important indicator. Part of the Socialogue token is not sold or given away as a gift. It is important to have the tools and resources to keep the platform stable and functioning in case something unexpected happens. Socialogue has a promising future, but it's always better to have a plan B than nothing.


  • METAVERSE : Socialogue offers a thrilling experience in the Metaverse. One of the exclusive sections of the Metaverse is the DAO Senate, where meetings, voting, discussions, and other activities take place.

  • PERSONAL : As a close and unique community, NFT holders who are members of the Senate have a private group to discuss upcoming changes, decisions and the future of the platform.

  • SUPPORT: Like one big family, Socialogue offers support and assistance to its members. The Socialogue Senate has direct contact with the platform admins for additional support and concern

2021 Q1-Q3img

  • Conduct in-depth market research. Resolve legal issues.
  • Designing the Socialogue platform. Apply leading advisory experience.

2021 Q4img

  • NFT collection release and Socialogue (Beta) launch.
  • Blockchain integration into the platform. NFT Airdrops.
  • Establishment of the DAO Senate.

2022 Q1-Q2img

  • Launched Socialogue token, Metaverse Senate DAO,
  • Socialogue Metaverse and the full version of the platform.
  • Integration of token and tip functions.

2022 Q3-Q4

  • Launch of the Socialogue app for iOS and Android.
  • Advancing community functionality - introducing group chats, private groups and member recognition via smart contracts.

For More Information:

AUTHOR: the clay 
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3367535