Senin, 29 November 2021



Pitch Finance is an online platform for businesses to acquire funding using equity financing. We integrate with accounting softwares to automate the analysis, services and payments. Our client has a current valuation and cash flow and we’re looking to add value and take it to the next level.
Pitch Finance is a new web platform that brings together the three major components needed for business planning, raising money, investment valuations and investment due diligence. Pitch Finance does away with headaches by streamlining the entire process.

Pitch Finance is the first project finance network that allows individuals to invest in projects that they believe will benefit mankind. It works by allowing business entrepreneurs to fund their projects (e.g. renewable energy projects, medical equipment, animal care, etc.) with small amounts of money coming from ‘any’ individual (whether they’re an expert or not)

Pitch Finance is a software company that was co-founded by two entrepreneurs looking to solve a problem. Investors were requesting project management reports, and we wanted to develop a product that would help them quickly assess the health of their portfolio. We worked with the top investors in the country and ran an alpha program for our initial clients. When we rolled out Pitch Finance in February 2014, our clients saw time savings of hours per week and were able to make better data-driven decisions. They loved it and we became focused on building the company around the needs we saw companies having.


Thе tоkеn аllrеdу lіѕtеd оn соіnѕbіt еxсhаngе.
Thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),рrојесt? Arе уоu іntеrеѕtеd іn јоіnіng uѕ? “YES OF COURSE” I hіghlу rесоmmеnd thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),рrојесt Aѕ аn іnvеѕtmеnt fоr thе futurе. bесаuѕе I реrѕоnаllу ѕtrоnglу bеlіеvе thаt thіѕ Prојесt wіll аttrасt bіg mаrkеt іnvеѕtmеnt аnd аlѕо рrоfіtаblе fоr futurе іnvеѕtmеnt! јоіn ѕооn frіеndѕ. Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),Fеаturеѕ
Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT), іѕ а рlаtfоrm thаt рrоvіdеѕ mоdеrn, іnсluѕіvе аnd dесеntrаlіzеd fіnаnсіаl ѕеrvісеѕ tо uѕеrѕ glоbаllу. Thе fеаturеѕ оffеrеd bу Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),еnаblе uѕеrѕ tо ассеѕѕ сrурtо wаllеtѕ & gаtеwауѕ tо blосkсhаіn аррѕ, whісh аllоwѕ thеm tо buу, ѕtоrе, ѕеnd, ѕwар tоkеnѕ, еxрlоrе blосkсhаіn аррѕ, аnd ѕtоrе аnd trаnѕfеr NFTѕ. But thаt’ѕ nоt аll, thеrе аrе ѕеvеrаl оthеr fеаturеѕ оf Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT):

Token Detail
PFT is Pitch Finance Utility token. Live Pitch Finance the current expense is IDR 0.014124 IDR with a 24-hour trading volume of not available. We update our PFT expenses for IDR ceaselessly. Pitch Finance is down .32 at this point. CoinMarketCap’s current rating is #6762, with a market cap of not open. Flowing inventory isn’t available and max. supply 100,000,000,000,000 PFT coins.

Tоkеn Infоrmаtіоn
Name : Pitch Finance Token [pft]
Token Type: BEP20 Binance
Token Price: ~$0.00000145807
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 PFT

PFT is Audited by Coinscope.
PFT is already listed on PankaceSwap, Flooz.Trade, and PooCoin.
RoadMap Pitch Finance

Our Team
Poletaev Andrey
Pitchfinance CEO
Crypto Enthusiast/Investor

For more information :

AUTHOR: the clay

Lepasa - a Blockchain Based Mythological Virtual World



Its vision is to make association schemas that enable users to make, experience, and decriminalise their content and applications. each piece of power on Lepasa is Associate in Nursing associate NFT token (ERC-721) and is sometimes tightly control by its holders on the ethereum blockchain, giving them complete management of wherever and for no matter they have to use it.

Creatures is digital and rare that ar non-exchangeable, transferable and move cheap Ethereum contracts. Recently garnered sensible interest from people in laptop networking, severally for recreation and ability. in contrast to various virtual properties, Lepasa isn't controlled by a centralized organization. there's no single authority with the flexibility to alter package principles, content, modify behavior, or stop others from accessing them. This document describes Freelancing's ideology, technical establishments, and economics.



The emergence of major social media platforms, like Facebook and Tiktok has allowed several users to gather, interact, share content and play games. The platform is controlled by a centralized organization.

The adoption of crypto assets continues to be at Associate in Nursing early stage, the blockchain-based infrastructure makes it strong for each creators and holders. Since then, the blockchain infrastructure, pioneered by Ethereum, has created it easier and additional stable for developers to make safer applications through Lepasa. Blockchain technology makes video games a great deal of derived and logical business opportunities. there's additionally endless potential and imagination.



Lepasa's vision is to make a mythological world that homes attention-grabbing legends. that is in a position to produce social experience with Associate in Nursing associated economy driven by dirt and possession of distinctive creatures, with content distribution. Developers ar able to build apps on thought Freelance, distribute them to users, and decriminalise them.

Within the future the project is probably going to implement peer-to-peer communication, a scripting system for interactive content, and a cryptocurrency payment system for the earth.

Communication layer for social skills, providing positioning, posture, voice chat, and more; this may be achieved with P2P networks.



Freelancing's worth proposition for app and game developers is that they're going to take full advantage of the economic interaction between the app and its users. To switch such economic interactions, the platform will enable three things to be traded: crypto tokens, digital merchandise and services.




Scripting languages ​​can build it potential to develop applications, games, gambling, and dynamic 3D scenes and to handle a decent kind of capabilities, along side making objects, loading textures, handling physics, cryptography user interactions, voice, payments, and external calls, among others.

Brands can advertise abused billboards close to, or on, high-interest land blocks to promote their wares, services, and events. Some environments will become virtual versions of distinguished locations for advertisers because of high user interest. additionally, brands can showcase merchandise, services and build shared experiences to move with their audience.

we have a tendency to tend to expect users to publish, distribute and collect rare digital assets issued by Lepasa and various blockchains to come back from their creators. kind of like what's happening nowadays in various Net or through on-line forums, these digital assets ar registered during this world through a scripting system and supported by the naming system mentioned on top of.

Groups presently gathering in on-line forums, discussion teams, or maybe various centralized multiplayer games can move their community to Freelancing. Offline communities can even be found in Lepasa as an area to collect and have activities.

Covers an outsized range of users from anyplace on the earth and offers them the pliability to make groups, apps and sub-platforms, where they move to perform. Likewise for Freelance users
ought to have a stronger risk to explore.

Virtual businesses ar a number of the items that cowl a powerful future. artists round the world can inhabit their imaginations on the Lapasa platform

looking on-line on web site and mobile is extremely well established to the core of each corner round the world, it looks that an outsized range of freelancers can inspire world sellers to sell real merchandise to users through their virtual search on the platform. various virtual world games have witnessed this.



Non-Fungible Tokens ar a substitute and engaging product within the luxury market. because the crypto community is endued with scrutiny, but the present offerings aren't mature enough to decriminalise the market.

NFT continues to be at Associate in Nursing early stage in many aspects. And there ar some sturdy use cases for potential business in its current state viz.

✅ Art
✅ Virtual Land
✅ Game
✅ Varied animations

These four categories ar thought-about the foremost promising as NFTs and within the future Lepasa will serve all of them.


AUTHOR: the clay 

BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK:;u=1814446 taps Hedera Hashgraph for novel use of cryptocurrency in fast music micropayments


As an industry-first network of artists, it has the tools needed for artists around the world to truly make a living and take control of their destiny. Our micropayment technology enables Streaming Per Second and Music NFT Minting services to monetize content more instantly and globally than ever before.

Powered by Hedera Hashgraph Tune.FM’s JAM Token provides lightning-fast seamless global value exchange through online micropayments. The enterprise-grade security of Hedera’s consensus algorithm (PoS) is of the highest possible standard, aBFT (Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance).

JAM Token is the first native audio token built on the Hedera Token Service to be traded on an exchange, allowing for the first time streaming royalty payments with instant payment. Extremely fast high throughput (100Ks Tx/s with final consensus in 3–5 seconds) and extremely small fees of native Hedera token ($0.00001) enable micropayments, open up New frontiers for disruptive new business models for media consumption.

The Hedera token service also supports NFT mining which costs 99.9% less than NFT mining on Ethereum (coins versus hundreds of dollars). The Tune.FM team will soon be releasing the best in class NFT Marketplace for artists and fans to mint, auction, buy, sell and trade NFT music. Combine lossless audio with visual elements including images, videos and animations (Decentralized storage on unique HTS token IPFS metadata) along with real world experiences (Wallet e.g. backstage meet and greets, exclusive tickets to the live show, fan club access). Encode rare unreleased content and exclusive events with NFT minting for limited access to live streams, intimate performances, live performances, and large-scale concerts both virtual and direct. Pre-release audio to select backers or publish unreleased tracks for a lucky few!

Artists are in complete control of their NFT experience and the world is your scallop. Discover how NFTs can unlock the hidden value of your creativity through verifiable digital scarcity. Reward loyalty and monetize your super fan club!

Stay tuned for our upcoming features and integrations as we build the Tune.FM JAM ecosystem. The shortlist of features and initiatives below are part of what’s coming and as we’re working on multiple features concurrently. Thank you for being an early beta tester and we look forward to your feedback and ideas!

NFT Mint Service & Auction Market



MORE EXCHANGE AND Integrate 3rd-Party Wallets














AUTHOR: the clay 

Minggu, 28 November 2021

Inside the Crypto Surfing Platform SURFMOON

Unlike the real world, in cyberspace, anything can be duplicated. For example, pictures, songs, works of art, jokes (memes), or other content in any form uploaded on the internet. This is what makes it seem as if there is no boundary between the original work and the duplication on the internet. However, with the NFT, a digital work can be ascertained its authenticity even though there are many duplicates circulating in cyberspace.

NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a crypto technology such as a digital certificate that certifies the party who owns the photo, video, or other virtual form. Assets with NFT will be recorded on the blockchain, a kind of digital “ledger” similar to the network that supports Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. Once the NFT has been encrypted on the blockchain at some point, it can no longer be replicated or duplicated.

About Surfmoon
Is a community-based token on the Binance smart chain aimed at travel-based cryptocurrencies. Through leveraging a smart tax structure and building a strong community, we aim to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFT and the travel sector. The long term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, car rentals, travel insurance, hotels, airbnb and so on through the SurfMoon platform. But to get started, we wanted to offer travel advice, and do some great holiday package gifts to some of our lucky holders, especially with Christmas just around the corner.

Also looking to incorporate deflationary Tokenomics, BNB reflections, and a tax structure that benefits all holders and propel SurfMoon to new heights.

Binance is the leading cryptocurrency exchange globally, with Smart Chain being their native blockchain network. With Ethereum's gas costs skyrocketing, BSC is becoming a viable alternative for easily launching tokens as it is EVM compatible, unlimited, and with extremely fast block and swap speeds. Apart from these advantages, it is very safe which ensures SAFU investments and funds.

Travel Platform
The ability to pay for travel using cryptocurrencies in partnership with leading flight, hotel and rental providers is SurfMoon's long-term goal. This will not only mean making it easier for millions of people around the world to book their holidays, but it will also create great opportunities for SurfMoon. Of course at the moment the viability of the move is low, but with year-on-year increasing demand for travel, secure payments, and cryptocurrencies in general, it is not impossible that one day we can hope to achieve this goal.

Why Pay With Cryptocurrencies?
Apart from obvious reasons, such as decentralization, eliminating middlemen and faster transaction fees, there are also other advantages, such as eliminating problems with exchange rates, and travel 'brokers' trying to take advantage of raising prices.


We'd also like to offer an exclusive discount to those holding SurfMoon, details of which will hopefully be announced in the near future. Of course realizing all of these ideas will require a large budget, which we seek to increase through the sale/purchase tax structure, donation pools and through NFT sales. This tax structure will help us bring our gifts to life, including travel packages to major destinations around the world.

Core Values

  • Strong Community
    As SurfMoon will launch on the Binance Smart Chain, a strong community is critical to keeping the project alive and gaining exposure, as well as in deciding the future of the project. Ultimately, community tokens are as powerful as those coming together as a collective to share a vision.

  • Transparency
    Transparency is a key factor for SurfMoon. The community coin room is filled with 'rugs', distrust, and with behavior that is normally not tolerated by shareholders in conventional business models. The goal is to inspire as much confidence as possible by documenting all plans, time frames, and by communicating regularly with the community.

  • Innovation
    We want to add value by creating tokens that innovate and add value to the BSC space. Our development wallet will be critical to this, and we will continue to ensure that we strive to achieve our long-term goals. Expanding our team and consulting internally will help us achieve these goals, as well as create new ones.

  • Long live
    SurfMoon is here to stay. We want to prove our project in the future by continuing to build our infrastructure and create partnerships. We want our investors to feel comfortable holding our tokens, knowing that the team will do their best in the background to grow our ecosystem.

Our tokennomics structure includes BNB reflection, which is the current trend in the community coin space. It differs from native token reflection in that it prevents the chart from dumping from selling, as well as promoting holding and inspiring investor safety. If the token market cap suffers, all those holding the original token suffer as well. Meanwhile, if the BNB reflection is distributed, it is unlikely to have an impact on the investor's portfolio. Apart from that, BNB reflection also promotes token purchases, as it can serve as a means of passive income.

Phase 1: Launch

  • Deploy Surfmoon Contracts
  • Publish the SurfMoon website
  • Assemble a dedicated team who believe in a long-term vision
  • Make a private sale
  • Marketing for whitelisted presale apps
  • Surfmoon whitelist presale app open

Phase 2: Development

  • Marketing for whitelisted presales
  • Whitelist presale live on PinkSale
  • Marketing for public selling (Reddit, influencers, twitter, shill competition)
  • Public sale live on PancakeSwap
  • Meme competition + Prizes
  • NFT Sales

Phase 3: Growth • CMC + CG

  • Community package holiday gifts
  • Consolidate use cases for SurfMoon + budget allocation
  • Team expansion

Phase 4: Expansion • A platform combining travel, NFT and gaming

  • Mobile games and P2E browser
  • Regular package holiday gifts for dedicated members
  • Larger NFT library
  • Live travel comparison site with the aim of getting package provider partnerships

For More Information:

AUTHOR: the clay 

SurfMoon Is The First Travel-Based Reward Token On BSC


SurfMoon is a travel-based redistribution token on Binance Smart Chain. Through utilising smart tax structures that rewards it’s holders and by building a strong community, we’re aiming to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFTs and the travel sector. The long-term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels and so on through our platform. The SurfMoon platform. SurfMoon will also be doing regular giveaways of package holidays and other travel related products to its lucky holders

Community-based tokens and the DeFi movement have become monumental in the past year. From seeing advertising campaigns of these tokens on billboards in major cities globally, to the use cases these tokens are developing to push the DeFi movement to new heights. Digital currencies are starting to look like a viable alternative to conventional financial models, and the rapid progression we’ve seen isn’t likely to halt. While these tokens are often termed ‘shitcoins’, this gives no credit to those with strong teams and developers aiming to solve problems and bring communities together. This effectively means that at some point, cryptocurrencies can and hopefully should be used as methods of payment and interaction with the real world.

This has already come to fruition to an extent, you can utilise crypto debit cards to pay in stores; without the fluctuations typically associated with cryptocurrency by utilising stable coins. You can purchase timepieces online, purchase tokens with charitable intentions, PayPal payments will be fulfilled through cryptocurrency, medical data can be shared, cloud storage can be paid for to list a few. It wouldn’t be surprising if at some point you can purchase real estate using these tokens/coins, and at the current rate of development, this could just be around the corner. This leads us on to SurfMoon.

About Surfmoon

Is a community-based token on Binance smart chain aiming to a travelbased cryptocurrency. Through utilising smart tax structures and building a strong community, we’re aiming to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFTs and the travel sector. The long term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels, airbnbs and so on through the SurfMoon platform. To get things started however, we want to offer travel advice, and do some amazing holiday package giveaways to some of our lucky holders, especially with Christmas being right around the corner.

Is also looking to incorporate deflationary Tokenomics, BNB reflections, and a tax structure that benefits all the holders as well as push SurfMoon to new heights.

Binance is the leading cryptocurrency exchange globally, with Smart Chain being their native blockchain network. With Ethereum gas fees skyrocketing, BSC became a viable alternative to launch tokens effortlessly as it is EVM compatible, borderless, and with extremely fast block speeds and swaps. In addition to these advantages, it is extremely secure which ensures investments and funds are SAFU.


Travel Platform

The ability to pay for travel by using a cryptocurrency that is partnered with the leading flight, hotel and rental providers is SurfMoon’s long-term goal. This will not only mean ease for millions around the world to book their getaways, but will also create huge opportunities for SurfMoon. Of course at the moment the viability of such a move is low, but with the increased demand year-on-year for travel, secure payments and cryptocurrency in general, it is not unlikely that we could one day hope to achieve this goal.


Why Pay With Cryptocurrency?

Other than the obvious reasons, such as decentralisation, removing the middle man and quicker transaction fees there are also a few other advantages, such as getting rid of problems with exchange rates, and travel ‘brokers’ that seek to take advantage by inflating prices. We would also like to offer exclusive discounts to those holding SurfMoon, the details of which will hopefully be announced in the near future. Of course bringing all of these ideas to life will require a large budget, which we seek to raise through our buy/sell tax structure, donations pools, and through NFT sales. These tax structures will help us bring our giveaways to life, including package trips to major destinations around the globe.


Core Values

  • Strong Community : SurfMoon is here to stay. We want to future-proof our project by constantly building our infrastructure and creating partnerships. We want our investors to be comfortable holding our tokens, knowing that the team will be doing their best in the background to develop our ecosystem.
  • Longevity : We want to add value by creating a token that innovates and adds value to the BSC space. Our development wallets will be imperative for this, and we will continuously make sure we’re striving to achieve our long term goals. Expanding our teams and consulting internally will help us actualize these goals, as well as create new ones.
  • Innovation : Transparency is a key factor for SurfMoon. The community coin space is filled with ‘rugs’, distrust, and with behaviors that wouldn’t typically be tolerated by shareholders in conventional business models. The goal is to inspire as much confidence as possible by documenting all our plans, timeframes, and by communicating regularly with the community.
  • Transparency : As SurfMoon will be launched on Binance Smart Chain, a strong community is imperative in keeping the project alive and gaining exposure, as well as in deciding the future of the project. Ultimately, a community token is about as strong as those that come together as a collective to share the vision.


Our tokenomics structure include BNB reflections, which is the current trend in the community coin space. This differs from native token reflections in that it prevents the chart from dumping from sales, as well as promotes holding and inspires investor security. If the tokens market cap suffers, all of those holding the native token suffer too. Whereas if BNB reflections are distributed, there is less of a likelihood of it impacting investor portfolios. In addition to this, BNB reflections also promote purchase of the token, as it can serve as a mean of passive income.


Phase 1: Launch

  • Deploy Surfmoon Contract
  • Publish SurfMoon website
  • Assemble a dedicated team who believe in the long term vision
  • Conduct a private sale
  • Marketing for whitelisted presale applications
  • Surfmoon whitelist presale applications open

Phase 2: Development

  • Marketing for whitelisted presale
  • Whitelist presale goes live on PinkSale
  • Marketing for public sale (Reddit, influencers, twitter, shill competitions)
  • Public sale goes live on PancakeSwap
  • Meme competitions + Giveaways
  • Sale of NFTs

Phase 3: Growth • CMC + CG

  • Community package holiday giveaways
  • Consolidate use-cases for SurfMoon + budget allocations
  • Team expansion

Phase 4: Expansion • Platform combining travelling, NFT’s and gaming

  • P2E mobile and browser games
  • Regular package holiday giveaways for dedicated members
  • Larger NFT Library
  • Live travel comparison site with the aim to gain package provider partnerships


AUTHOR: the clay 

SurfMoon : Community-Based Tokens and DeFi


SurfMoon is a travel-based redistribution token on Binance Smart Chain. Through utilising smart tax structures that rewards it’s holders and by building a strong community, we’re aiming to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFTs and the travel sector. The long-term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels and so on through our platform. The SurfMoon platform. SurfMoon will also be doing regular giveaways of package holidays and other travel related products to its lucky holders

Community-based tokens and the DeFi movement have become monumental in the past year. From seeing advertising campaigns of these tokens on billboards in major cities globally, to the use cases these tokens are developing to push the DeFi movement to new heights. Digital currencies are starting to look like a viable alternative to conventional financial models, and the rapid progression we’ve seen isn’t likely to halt. While these tokens are often termed ‘shitcoins’, this gives no credit to those with strong teams and developers aiming to solve problems and bring communities together. This effectively means that at some point, cryptocurrencies can and hopefully should be used as methods of payment and interaction with the real world.

This has already come to fruition to an extent, you can utilise crypto debit cards to pay in stores; without the fluctuations typically associated with cryptocurrency by utilising stable coins. You can purchase timepieces online, purchase tokens with charitable intentions, PayPal payments will be fulfilled through cryptocurrency, medical data can be shared, cloud storage can be paid for to list a few. It wouldn’t be surprising if at some point you can purchase real estate using these tokens/coins, and at the current rate of development, this could just be around the corner. This leads us on to SurfMoon.

About Surfmoon

Is a community-based token on Binance smart chain aiming to a travelbased cryptocurrency. Through utilising smart tax structures and building a strong community, we’re aiming to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFTs and the travel sector. The long term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels, airbnbs and so on through the SurfMoon platform. To get things started however, we want to offer travel advice, and do some amazing holiday package giveaways to some of our lucky holders, especially with Christmas being right around the corner.

Is also looking to incorporate deflationary Tokenomics, BNB reflections, and a tax structure that benefits all the holders as well as push SurfMoon to new heights.

Binance is the leading cryptocurrency exchange globally, with Smart Chain being their native blockchain network. With Ethereum gas fees skyrocketing, BSC became a viable alternative to launch tokens effortlessly as it is EVM compatible, borderless, and with extremely fast block speeds and swaps. In addition to these advantages, it is extremely secure which ensures investments and funds are SAFU.

Travel Platform

The ability to pay for travel by using a cryptocurrency that is partnered with the leading flight, hotel and rental providers is SurfMoon’s long-term goal. This will not only mean ease for millions around the world to book their getaways, but will also create huge opportunities for SurfMoon. Of course at the moment the viability of such a move is low, but with the increased demand year-on-year for travel, secure payments and cryptocurrency in general, it is not unlikely that we could one day hope to achieve this goal.

Why Pay With Cryptocurrency?

Other than the obvious reasons, such as decentralisation, removing the middle man and quicker transaction fees there are also a few other advantages, such as getting rid of problems with exchange rates, and travel ‘brokers’ that seek to take advantage by inflating prices. We would also like to offer exclusive discounts to those holding SurfMoon, the details of which will hopefully be announced in the near future. Of course bringing all of these ideas to life will require a large budget, which we seek to raise through our buy/sell tax structure, donations pools, and through NFT sales. These tax structures will help us bring our giveaways to life, including package trips to major destinations around the globe.

Core Values

Strong Community

As SurfMoon will be launched on Binance Smart Chain, a strong community is imperative in keeping the project alive and gaining exposure, as well as in deciding the future of the project. Ultimately, a community token is about as strong as those that come together as a collective to share the vision.


Transparency is a key factor for SurfMoon. The community coin space is filled with ‘rugs’, distrust, and with behaviors that wouldn’t typically be tolerated by shareholders in conventional business models. The goal is to inspire as much confidence as possible by documenting all our plans, timeframes, and by communicating regularly with the community.


We want to add value by creating a token that innovates and adds value to the BSC space. Our development wallets will be imperative for this, and we will continuously make sure we’re striving to achieve our long term goals. Expanding our teams and consulting internally will help us actualize these goals, as well as create new ones.


SurfMoon is here to stay. We want to future-proof our project by constantly building our infrastructure and creating partnerships. We want our investors to be comfortable holding our tokens, knowing that the team will be doing their best in the background to develop our ecosystem.

Interested in joining our community but unsure how to purchase $SurfMoon? Follow the steps below. If you have any questions,
feel free to pop into the Telegram where our friendly community will be more than happy to help.

1.Create a MetaMask Wallet

$SurfMoon is available on MetaMask using Binance Smart Chain (BSC.) MetaMask is amongst the safest and most popular wallets to store your tokens on Android, iOS, Mac or PC. Create a wallet and make sure to keep your recovery phrase safe.

2.Set up BSC (Binance Smart Chain) on your MetaMask wallet

BSC doesn’t come as standard on MetaMask, and you will have to configure this. Go to settings, networks and then add network. Below is the BSC mainnet configuration: Network Name: Smart Chain
ChainID: 56 Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL:

3.Send BNB to MetaMask

Purchase BNB and send it to your MetaMask wallet from an exchange (e.g. Binance). BNB is Binance’s native currency.

4.Visit PancakeSwap

You will be purchasing $SurfMoon through PancakeSwap, visit the “Buy Now” link at the top of the page, or paste the contract address directly into PancakeSwap to purchase.

5.Buy $SurfMoon

Set the slippage to (9–13%)+ and press select the amount of BNB you would like to swap for $SurfMoon. Click connect wallet, and then press swap! It’s as easy as that.

CONTRACT ADDRESS ; 0xc47f53c425d08f8457471538ae641655814beae8


For More Information Click Links Bellow:

AUTHOR: the clay