Kamis, 27 September 2018

Open WiFi OPP - the fastest access today

Open WiFi OPP - the fastest access today

if you are interested in joining the OPP Open project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don't hesitate to invest. 
therefore I invite you to see the OPP Open project and let's look at the OPP Open review below.
What is OPP Open WiFi ??? 
OPP Open WiFi is a community-based service with the main goal of creating a global, free to access open WiFi hotspot network and giving awards to every contributor because it is part of our goal. 
There are nearly 2.5 billion smartphone users globally, 80% of whom are active on social media. WiFi access has become a part of our daily life. But extraordinarily 76% of us often find ourselves in a position where access is not available, or where access is blocked by requests for payment.
Of those 2.5 billion people, we aim to recruit 25 million people like you for the next 4 years to join our "Hotspot Hosts" community. Together we can build free access, open and secure global decentralized WiFi hotspots that will have a positive effect on the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people.
Our Hotspot hosts are people like you who pay cellular data, pay for WiFi access in their homes, or at their workplace. Our research shows that more than 80% of us do not use all the data we pay. We will put the money back in your pocket. We will pay you every day to take part of the data available for our global network.
How does that work ???
To become a Host Hotspot you must register and then download our mobile application or request a home / business router from our website. The first 100,000 routers will be given completely free. 
You decide how much data you want to contribute. Our application will activate mobile hotspot functions on your smart device and "OPP OPEN WIFI" will be seen by Guest users who want to access the web. This system is completely safe for Hotspot Hosts and guest users. This system is designed to work with WiFi at home and business as well.
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How do I make money ??? 
You only need to make your Hotspot active for 1 hour per day to qualify for payment. We will pay you for each device that you use to contribute to the Global Network. We aim to pay you enough to cover all or part of the cost of your internet supplier and cellphone supplier.
Jika Anda ingin membuat sedikit lebih banyak, tidak masalah. Kami membayar Anda untuk membaca pesan dari sponsor terpilih. Anda memberi tahu kami berapa banyak pesan yang Anda senang terima setiap hari dan kami membayar Anda untuk setiap yang Anda baca. Jika Anda bergabung dengan program referensi kami, kami juga akan membayar Anda untuk berbagi pesan media kami di antara pengikut dan teman Anda. Semakin banyak yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk membantu kami menyebarkan berita, maka semakin banyak yang dapat kami lakukan untuk membantu Anda juga.
How do I get paid? 
We pay members of our community every day using our OPP Tokens. 
1 OPP Token = $ 0.40. Payments and billing are managed using blockchain self-fulfilling smartchain. Every day when you share data, view sponsored messages or share posts, etc., you will see the OPP Token added to your account. Please see our White Paper for detailed explanations.
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Dashboard After you register with us, you will be given an access code to the OPP Dashboard. The dashboard is where you manage how you want to work with us, how much data you want to share, how many devices, how many messages you like to read, etc.
All your OPP Tokens will be stored securely in your electronic wallet on the dashboard every day. You can watch your balance growth. You will see incoming payments and details of how you got them.
From the Dashboard, you can also decide how you want to spend it, through our Online Retail Mall, credit your bank account, send funds to your OPP Credit Card (no bank account required) or exchange it in the Crypto market. From our Dashboard, you will be able to use the OPP Token exactly as you use cash day to day.
June 2018 
Sales of VIP and Founders open tokens 
Building Telegram 
community Expand existing social communities 
Engage PR 
Announce Advisory Team 
Launch GitHub 
Publish smart contract address 
Share prototype details
September 2018 
Conclusion of public sales 
Distribution Tokens to investors 
Launches Smart 
Delivery Mobile Application routers 
Test affliliate beta retail links
October 2018 
Launch dashboard 
Expand team to handle increased traffic from Hotspot Host 
Complete transactions with affiliate partners 
Make agreements with advertisers for push notifications 
Start Hotspot referral program 
Start marketing activities to recruit Host Hotspots
1st Quarter 2019 
Launch OPP credit card 
250.00 Host Hotspot 
Quick exchange function added to Dashboard 
Further team expansion to support the 
Advanced Marketing Hotspot Host community to reach more Hotspot Hosts
May 2018 
Launches ITO / ICO Registration Website 
Launches marketing
August 2018 
Public Sales 
Register with an exchange of 
Android applications beta test 
Develop the Dashboard function 
Build contacts with advertisers
November - December 2018 
100,000 Host Hotspot 
Launch online retail experience 
Fully dashboard functionality 
Expand digital marketing
We are a team of experienced professionals with ambitious plans for our project. 
Our core expertise is to build technology and marketing systems to serve our clients. While we work with many big names, our most important work over the years has been to support small businesses. Small business is any economic heart and community. This is where most of the workforce is employed and pay checks are generated. 
We have built a team of talented technicians and communicators who understand how to get things done!
Team member. PNG
For more information about OPP Open Wifi, visit:
AUTHOR: The clay
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

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