Minggu, 09 Juni 2019



Sessia broke new history in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This digital platform shows functions that are very challenging for most other digital platforms that exist. Sessia combines blockchain technology and digital currency systems with social and business media. The four are combined into one in a Sessia digital application. everyone can access Sessia through websites or applications from smart phones. This application is very unique where users will not only feel in the world of social media but also in a digital store at the same time. Because Sessia focuses its function on empowering businesses, every post that appears in it is related to product sales.
Users can easily access Sessia and browse every product they provide. Many types of products can be obtained through this platform. The purchase transaction process can also be done easily. Besides buying, users can also trade their products through Sessia. because Sessia is a digital business platform, so every user who has a business and business can promote it here for free. Promotional costs can be saved for other uses and of course the products sold have an affordable price. Blockchain technology implemented by this platform will support the protection of all types of data, both from consumers and sellers. These data will be stored securely on the blockchain system and will not be changed or falsified.
Sessia has key features such as smart wall, geo search, user rating system, chat, and stores with payment gateway. All of them have their respective advantages that strengthen the Sessia service system.
Smart Wall
Smart Wall can be interpreted as a smart wall. This feature that will give you the feel of being on social media. Sessia indeed creates digital applications with the concept of social media. So every user who accesses the Sessia application will find the user’s home page and wall filled with various posts. Each post contains the product that was just purchased by another user who is already connected with us. Product details are shown in the post as well as the total price of the product purchased. Posts will show proof of payment that has paid off and the owner of the post can also add comments related to the product. This post will automatically be displayed on the user’s wall by the Sessia system after payment has been made. From here, other users who are connected to the post owner can see the product they purchased and can buy directly through the post if they are interested. This is why this feature is called a smart wall.
Geo Search
This feature displays a map that is connected to the GPS system of each device that uses the Sessia application. through this feature users can find shops around those who use the Sessia application service. thus, users will find it easier to know which types of products are also supported by Sessia. they can directly access the application to order products and systems Sessia will immediately contact the business owner to immediately meet consumer demand. This feature can also help users find the best-selling products based on user recommendations or their friends.
User Rating System
This feature helps users get ratings from other users so that they have the chance to get prizes and bonuses. By using this feature, users who act as consumers can provide ratings for a business platform that is considered to have the best service and offer highly useful products. This assessment will be a reference for other users to find the best product they are looking for because there will be many business platforms that offer similar products. Business people can also give an evaluation to their loyal customers and can reward them with a KICKS digital token bonus based on the number of votes. Each user can also compete with other users who hold the KICKS digital token to obtain additional bonus later.
Users can take advantage of this feature to ask every businessman who offers their products through Sessia if there are things that are not understood in the procedure of purchase or payment transactions. This feature is displayed like a chat room that we usually find on social media. This feature can be used at any time and every question will be answered immediately by the business owner. This feature also supports sending emojis and stickers. Users will really feel they are accessing social media through this feature.
Stores with Payment Gateway
This feature will display the digital shop side of Sessia. many products are traded on this platform and all can be easily spent by users at competitive prices.
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AUTHOR: The clay 
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Cobo Wallet – Grow And Protect Your Crypto

Cobo Wallet – Grow And Protect Your Crypto 

The creation of Bitcoin has created a disruption in the field of technology. It's core technology will be called as the revolutionary technology in the history of mankind. When the Bitcoin was first appeared, no one has any idea what changes it will bring in the next 10-15 years. It's immutable, incorruptible and unhackable nature makes it more superior than any other existing technology. That's why the world is giving special attention to implement it in every sphere of our society.
In the recent years the cryptocurrency market is on acceleration. Many businesses and companies spending millions of dollars to implement this technology into their core business applications. Highly professional experts working day and night to create many solutions on blockchain network. And believe me it's the future.


Despite showing rapid growth and technology hype, the blockchain and cryptocurrency are facing many challenges. Everyday many blockchain projects emerge but only few of them are high quality and can able to provide boost in the technology adoption. Today thousands of industry experts and professionals are spending their time to create new blockchain technology solutions that could potentially solves the every business and other related problems. Alongside, hackers are also preparing their nerves and are working to crack and hack exchange wallets to clean out every digital assets stored in it.
History has shown many cases happened in the past that every single data breach can lead to million dollars of digital asset loses. That's why security is the fundamental aspect for every sector to move forward in this technology. Thanks to some experts whose vision and dedication helping to step forward in this technology with securely. Blockchain itself is unhackable and impossible to crack it and we need perfect tools to execute it in every solution. In this today's article we consider about cryptocurrency wallets, as they need highest level of cryptographic security because our entire digital funds are stored in it.

About the project

In this article we discuss about a cryptocurrency wallet called Cobo Wallet. It is the world's first cryptocurrency wallet which offers unique features such as Proof-Of-Stakes and masternode rewards for users holding their digital assets within the wallet. It provides high level of security, reliability and simple user interface to users.
Cobo Wallet is a next generation hardware crypto wallet which offers convenient storage and transfer of crypto assets and an ecosystem of curated Dapp applications.

Principle of operation

The Cobo Wallet team is committed to provide reliable, secured and user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet for all. The project developers have integrated all the necessary features in the wallet application. The Cobo Wallet has decentralized application store (Dapps store) which are integrated with POS support. The Cobo Wallet also provides an unique opportunity for its users to earn from holding cryptocurrency into their wallet by staking and master node rewards. Cobo Wallet is very beneficial for users as it is a safe store house, where they can store any type of cryptocurrency. It is a professional wallet where investors can manage all their crypto portfolios. The Cobo Wallet provides its service to users in the name of BitGrow. It is worth to note that the project team is highly experienced and the management methods adopted were earlier used in the financial companies, hedge funds and in the projects working on AI technology.
The Cobo Wallet is committed to provide simple and user-friendly service to its users, they have launched their mobile application available for both Android and iOS platforms. Thus users can easily manage and store their crypto funds in the wallet.


The Cobo Wallet provides a full proof hardware wallet which is perfect in all ways. The hardware wallet is made with military standard durability which is full proof, can withstand strongest degree of extreme conditions. It is having top class financial encryption system and can support all types of cryptocurrencies. Other benefits of the Cobo Wallet are given below:
• as we said earlier the hardware wallet is made with military standards that it can withstand water, dust and other toughest and rugged situations;
• while performing the transactions the wallet eliminates any type of network contacts such as WiFi, Bluetooth and NFC, to eliminate any external attempts of interception;
• the Cobo Wallet uses bank standard encryption methods which provides perfect security protocols with multi signature authentication;
• the funds will be stored in hot and cold separate wallets;
• the Cobo Wallet provides HD wallet support for decentralized apps, users can switch between cloud and HD wallets as they wants;
• Cobo Wallet provides smart voting, staking and master node rewards, which helps to earn cryptos while holding on the wallets;
• the best part is that the Cobo Wallet has self destruction feature which will be enabled when someone tries to steal the data. This feature automatically deletes everything so that fraudsters will not be able to access any single data;
• the project team has implemented 2 factor authentication, KYC and AML features, multi signature authentication etc to make it full proof and highly secured;


It is worth to note that this project will play an important role in accelerating the growth of crypto market. Today the crypto market requires a perfect cryptocurrency wallet which is perfect in all ways. The Cobo Wallet provides security, reliability and transparency in managing your crypto portfolios. The Cobo Wallet team has given highest priority to security and has implemented all the necessary and unique features that ensures our crypto assets are completely safe. The Cobo Wallet will make crypto accessible and usable easily in our day-to-day life, thus mainstream adoption of crypto will happen easily.
Finally I would say Cobo Wallet is a very strong project and will become a primary choice for storing our crypto assets. Lastly, I would suggest you to read the official whitpepaper of the project for more details. This project needs much public attention and I wish all the best for this great project.
Fore More Information: 

AUTHOR: The clay
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Mobile Crypto Payment is easy with ZEUX

Mobile Crypto Payment is easy with ZEUX

ZEUX is a project I took time to examine and have concluded that it literally has the capacity to reach its goals. One thing stands out here – it forged/patterned its solutions for the average cryptocurrency user. The delegation to mobile devices is commendable because both crypto enthusiasts and investors seek for smooth transactions while on the move. Such expectations can only be obtained with a mobile-based cryptocurrency payment and investment solution offered by ZEUX.
The Era before ZEUX
We all know that any project that comes up in the crypto-sphere has one or more solutions to offer. ZEUX has the same approach but one factor that stands it out is the tendency to literally “outwit’ decentralized payment structures such as SWIFT and Apple Pay.
The first problem that facilitated the launch of this project is the limited use cases of cryptocurrencies. We expected that after a decade of the launch of the first coin, Bitcoin (BTC), many enterprises around the world would begin to accept payments with cryptocurrencies.
The second issue is based on the crypto community. It’s saddening that many investors find it hard to gain access to investment options. In most cases, they find it hard to get in touch with asset management service providers that offer a wide range of investment options.
How can ZEUX solve the problems?
As I reiterated earlier, this project touches the core point, which is the use of mobile-based payments. Considering the fact that an average cryptocurrency investor/user has a smartphone and many decentralized platforms are already patterning their solutions to the mobile format, there is no doubt the wide range of solutions offered by ZEUX will go the extra mile to solve the problems.
Swift Conversion of Crypto Coins
It is true that ZEUX has its sole delegation to facilitate mobile payments. However, it has other solutions it has to offer to the crypto community. That is the ability to foster immediate conversion of crypto coins to fiat currencies.
The first step is the enablement of conversions using the ZEUX native token, ZUC. Users can transfer coins from one digital wallet to another. In the same regard, it allows you to convert the ZUC token into the fiat currency of your choice. You can convert your fiat currency into ZXUSD and reconvert it into another fiat currency. All transactions are permissible on the Ethereum blockchain.
The Zeux Investment Platform
The aim of every crypto investor is to make profits despite the bearish market. Against that backdrop, alternative means of investments became an option to stay ahead in the game. Zeux fills this gap by providing an investment platform where users can make use of supported cryptocurrencies to transact via the platform.
One of the upsides to this is the provision of a diversified platform that empowers users/customers to choose from various forms of investments. Interestingly, Zeux is the first decentralized platform that allows its users to utilize many crypto-funded products.
Synergy with Traditional Payment Providers
Because of its disposition to offer a mobile crypto payment structure, Zeux went the extra mile to seek collaborations with traditional payment providers such as Google Pay and Apple Pay. The idea is to allow users to make in-app purchases and pay with crypto coins.
Sequel to that, it issues a Zeux VISA virtual card that will be accessible in NFC locations. This will be added to the respective platforms such as Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and Apple Pay.
Cross-Border Remissions
This project is working tirelessly to bring a decentralized method of transfer. This could be seen in the collaborations with viable projects such as IOTA and VeChain, with the aim of facilitating cross-border transactions.
In the same regard, it allows users to transfer the ZUC coin among themselves without hassles. For a user that doesn’t have this token, Zeux allows such persons to convert fiat currencies into the corresponding ZXUSD before facilitating the transaction.
Efficiency in Account Management
There’s no doubt that an average cryptocurrency investor/user has more than one digital wallet. This could be because of the disparities in tokens/coins, which demand that each of these assets should have a separate wallet.
ZEUX breeds another form of account/asset management for its users. Whether you’re using different bank accounts and cryptocurrency wallets, it allows you to manage all your transactions from the same interface. There are also multiple account protections such as password and security questions to secure your funds.
AI for Better Investments
Another aspect that makes ZEUX stand out of its peers is the integration of Artificial Intelligence. This takes charge of your investments and provides succinct details about selected investment options. With this in place, you have the assurance that your investments would be rightly made .
Allocation of Tokens
Token Sales: 60%
Bounty: 5%
Market making pool/Company: 15%
Team and Advisors: 20%
Token sale Information
Name of Token: ZeuxCoin
Token Symbol: ZUC
Standard: ERC-20
Platform: Ethereum
Type of Token: Utility
Token Supply: 750 million
Soft Cap: 10, 000 ETH
Hard Cap: 50, 000 ETH
Accepted Currency: Ethereum (ETH)
Exchange Rate: 1 ZUC = 0.0002 ETH
Country of Registration: The United Kingdom
ZEUX amazing team
The wide array of investment and payment options offered by ZEUX is something to trigger your interest (and that of other crypto enthusiasts) into choosing the platform for your crypto/decentralized transactions. Indeed, ZEUX has the capacity to meet up with its wide range of mobile-based payment solutions.
AUTHOR: The clay
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Pcore - Innovative invoice discounting platform for businesses and investors

Pcore - Innovative invoice discounting platform for businesses and investors



The world of business has been and will remain quite complicated, which is associated with technological progress. Operational processes are developing at unprecedented speed, involving even more new figures than ever before. The competition is fierce, while customers demand quality and attractive pricing programs. These programs rely on financing bills more than ever before to attract more potential customers.
Financing invoices (A / R), as a term, is not new in the business world, as it provides a steady stream of income for companies. This is a form of contract between the buyer and the seller, in which the customer has the opportunity to pay for the goods later. Usually a 30, 60 or 90-day notice provides the buyer with the opportunity to pick up selected goods or services, while the company has a steady income for a certain period of time. However, as soon as the transaction is concluded, the enterprise in question also suffers from liquidity, since it can only receive debt later.
At the same time, the emergence of blockchain technology has sparked a growing interest from organizations around the world. Decentralized networks, globalized cryptocurrencies and smart contracts all play their part. However, probably the most distinctive feature that the blockchain offers is the security of translations. The system itself, through smart contracts, has the ability to improve the integrity of transactions, ensuring that all parties must act in accordance with their promises of transfer.
Pcore Ltd. offers a market that can significantly increase the liquidity of business customers. Through the blockchain network developed by the project team, we are offered a market where customer accounts can be safely sold. The platform allows enterprises to connect, load and issue trading accounts, improving the liquidity of companies, providing a good investment platform for companies that are looking for secure financing projects.
Both sides have numerous advantages that you can talk about when trading accounts on the Pcore platform. Companies selling them would increase their immediate financial capacity to purchase materials, pay for the production of goods, or even pay their employees. Buyers (lenders from now on), on the other hand, can profit from a reliable commercial business. By financing receivables, lenders receive interest in the form of profits. The most important criterion for satisfaction is, therefore, the reliability of the partners, which makes factoring the ideal solution.


The pcore blockchain technology (distributed book) applies smart contracts to assign a “unique fingerprint” for each transaction. This allows enterprises to automate billing processes and use factoring services on the platform. Each account has a unique record, transparently shown to all participants. Thus, due to transparency, creditworthiness can be established through the blockchain platform.
Pcore is an end-to-end platform that provides SMEs with easy access to short-term financing, turning their receivables into tradable assets. With a 24-hour turnover, interest rates allow lenders to make a profit, while sellers receive vital liquidity for their daily operations.
Pcore platform supports issuers, owners and payers. Therefore, invoices can be available as a general source of liquidity for factoring. By loading the income date, lenders will be able to choose the length of the factoring and the interest rate involved in the smart contracts. Tokens will connect sides from around the world, ignoring boundaries in this process.
However, only the firm or the recipient of the invoice can provide access to detailed financial data about a particular company or invoice. This allows for real-time auditing, improves the credit scoring process and speeds up loan approval. Those companies with a positive credit history will attract creditors more easily, while the incentives will be available for use as part of their operations. The algorithm is based on XBRL company data and risk assessment results.


Pcore is based on real problems that exist in various industries. Thus, the Pcore model is aimed at solving problems that modern companies face when dealing with liquidity and financial uncertainty. The main problems that plague numerous markets for some on a regular basis are financial constraints and factoring, invoice verification, and opaque / outdated financial reports.


XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) was chosen as the format for presenting financial data within the framework of the platform. The platform is an open international standard for digital business systems. It is used all over the world. Companies from more than 50 countries embed it in their operations. Millions of XBRL documents are created every year, replacing old, paper reports with useful, efficient, and more accurate digital reports. In other words, XBRL provides a language in which reporting conditions can be clearly defined. In turn, the terms can be used to uniquely represent the content of financial statements or other types of reports on compliance, business results and business reports. XBRL is often referred to as “barcodes for reporting” because it makes reporting more accurate and efficient.
  1. useful reporting documents that can be automatically registered, sorted and analyzed by Pcore
  2. general confidence that all reports within the platform follow complex, predetermined definitions
In addition, comprehensive definitions and accurate data labels will help parties perform various reporting tasks, including:
  • preparation
  • statement
  • publication
  • exchange
  • consumption
  • risk analysis and business information performance


If ICO starts successfully, the infrastructure will be developed during 2019, launching the platform in a timely manner. In addition, part of the pre-mined Pcore coins will serve as a reserve and generosity, and the other part will be retained by the management team to provide scalability. As the market grows, we intend to list the token on external exchanges in order to increase the possible options for customers from around the world. Thus, as a final stage, we intend to make the main token tradeable with any currency in the world and attract first-class companies to trade accounts in our platform.


  1. Website
  2. Whitepaper
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter
  5. Telegram 
AUTHOR: The clay 
My Bitcointalk Porfile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446

Jumat, 07 Juni 2019

BTCCREDIT - Next-generation decentralized banking ecosystem

BTCCREDIT - Next-generation decentralized banking ecosystem


Blockchain makes history by transferring power from entities centered in the hands of consumers. This has empowered people to manage their own assets without interference from banks, brokers, or institutional monitors. This is a necessity that is welcomed because people take too much risk today by letting their crypto assets be controlled by a central entity. They do not realize that they are not, but the Wallet, Exchange, & Lending Platform that controls their assets. Therefore, they have given up control of their identity, privacy and money because they believe that they have no choice. But no more. We aim to be the access point that gives these people choices.
BtcCredit is a complete decentralized wallet that gives you full control of your Blockchain assets to Hold, Exchange, Lend, Borrow, Invest and Bets. This document outlines the Decentralized Next Generation Banking Ecosystem design which is powered by decentralized multi-currency wallets, decentralized p2p loans, and decentralized p2p exchange capabilities.
To date, the cryptocurrency has penetrated into many areas of life. Therefore, the question arises of creating technologies that will bring it closer to ordinary people. The blockchain technology, in modern times, plays an important role in building decentralized financial systems. It allows ordinary people to manage their own assets without the intervention of financial organizations such as banks, funds, brokers, etc. People have been expecting such an opportunity for a long time, as they risk so many people allowing financial institutions to keep their financial assets. 
BTCCREDIT is a decentralized banking ecosystem, on the principle of all in one, which allows the user to get full control over his blockchain asset for storing, lending, exchanging, borrowing, investing.
Recently, there has been a steady increase in global market lending. According to the agency Morgan Stanley, its growth could reach $ 290 billion by 2020. One of the features of modern lending is the inequality of the interest rate depending on the location of the borrower. For example, in the high liquidity market in Europe, interest rates range from 0.5–5%, in Russia, 13–15%, in India, 12%, in Brazil, 32%. This suggests that there is an inequality in access to the credit market throughout the world.
BTCCREDIT strives to balance this disparity. The company believes that with the advent of cryptocurrency and blockchain, the user can become the owner of their financial cryptoactive assets. The user himself decides who to borrow his money from whom to borrow, at what interest rate and for what time and other subtleties. So let's take a quick look at how it will work. As a creditor, the user must log in and replenish his system wallet with USDT tokens. After that, the system creates a credit profile of the lender, necessary for the formation of the parameters of the loan. This profile becomes part of the entire ecosystem credit market. As a borrower, the user also logs in with his Bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin funds in the wallet is the key to a future loan. Which requirements are also part of the ecosystem's credit market. Internal logistics and artificial intelligence offer depending on the requirements of automatically existing lenders and borrowers. In addition, the borrower or lender can manually select from a list of offers. After the loan is selected and both parties confirm their agreement, a deal and launch of a smart contract in the Ethereum network will occur. At this time, the amount required by the borrower of the USDT will be credited and the loan repayment schedule will be drawn up.
Consider the terms of loan repayment. Upon completion of the contract or in case of early repayment, the borrower must submit an application. Regular payments look like the administrator regularly pays the lender, and the borrower regularly pays the administrator. If for any reason the borrower missed the payment date, he will receive a 3-day deferment. If he pays during these three days, then no penalty will be charged. Otherwise, a penalty for a specific installment plan is imposed. Well, if the borrower is not able to pay the last 3 payments, then there is a fixation on the blockchain, the borrower is considered insolvent and withdrawal from his collateral. If the borrower wants to close the contract ahead of time, then he can only do so by paying 5% if he has paid at least three consecutive payments.
Another important feature of the BTCCREDIT platform is p2p crypto Exchange. This is a trading platform that provides users with an ecosystem where they can directly exchange cryptocurrencies with each other using p2p technology. In this case, no third party will participate in any type of exchange. Trading here is very simple. The seller logs in, transfers funds to his wallet and publishes a sell order. The buyer checks the range of available sell orders, fits in with the seller. The buyer and the seller agree on the best price and after that a deal is made.
For the successful functioning of the ecosystem and for the convenience of users, the team created the own BTCC token on the platform. Total tokens released 100 million pieces. Of these, 40 million BTCC will be sold at the preliminary stages of the sale. The remaining 40 million BTCC tokens in the next stages of the sale. 20 million Tokin are given to the team, the community, consultants, key employees.
Q4 2018 
Launch P2P crypto system lending. 
Start of the way with borrowing-crediting, peer-to-peer crypto loans, launching the system. 
Smart contract for Ethereum 
LDT token contract, BTCC token contract. 
Q1 2019 
Launch of the USDT lending system. 
Users can borrow USDT which relies on LDT tokens and a smart contract. 
Developing a mobile application. 
Developing a mobile phone compatible credit platform. 
Acquisition of licenses 
Acquisition of a crypto-wallet and a credit license 
Launching a crypto wallet 
Launching a crypto wallet. 
2 quarter 2019
BTCC in the list of tokens in our credit system. 
Users can now lend using BTCC tokens and use BTCC as collateral. 
Launch of p2p exchange 
Peer Cryptocurrency of the starting exchange platform. 
Q3 2019 
Launch Plan. 
Breakdown of the start-up plan for investors who will receive a percentage benefit if they keep BTCC / BTC tokens on the platform. 
Altkotny for credit and compensation. 
Now users can lend with altcoins and it will be possible to use altcoins as collateral. 
Peer-to-Peer crowdfunding platform.
In conclusion, I would like to say that such a project has every chance of success in a crypto-community and bring profit to its investors in the near future.
AUTHOR: The clay
My Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1814446