Selasa, 18 Januari 2022

Euler Tools Platform overview

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Euler Tools, which is built on top of the NEO blockchain, is a platform for exploring and discovering blockchain content. This open source platform lets users to be compensated for the value they provide to a network; the material they generate or curate will be compensated with the EULER token. We believe that Eulertools is the first blockchain platform established on top of which the foundations have been laid for the creation of an entire integration and bidirectional layer between the blockchain and real-world use cases.

The Euler tools platform is comprised of four modules: Social Networking, Creative Space, Knowledge Base, and Marketplace. Each module serves a certain purpose. Users will be able to contribute their own unique material as well as follow the content of other users via the social networking module, and they will be rewarded for contributing high-quality information. The creative area is a location where artists and designers may display their creations for the public to see.

It is a platform for information sharing, such as a questions/answers part where users may be paid for contributing answers to other users' queries, and it also includes a pay per view insurance system that users can utilize to cover their viewing costs. Finally, the marketplace will allow for peer-to-peer transactions between buyers and sellers, with awards being granted to those who provide high-quality service over the course of a transaction.

How Do Euler Tools Benefit The Blockchain Community?

The Euler Tools platform will combine data from a variety of sources in order to provide users with a more comprehensive view of the blockchain world. Users will be able to explore and uncover hidden patterns and trends across different platforms, evaluate and compare different projects, reduce the risks associated with investing in a particular project, search for specific information, identify arbitrage opportunities, and much more with Euler Tools, which will be available in the near future.

The platform's purpose is to provide consumers with the most complete collection of materials accessible in a one location, which is why it was created. Users will be able to obtain precise analytics and statistics on many parts of the crypto-markets from a single dashboard – from metrics on initial coin offerings (ICOs), tokens, wallets, exchanges, funds, and other initiatives linked to crypto-investing to metrics on cryptocurrency exchanges. Users can make educated judgments because to the platform's ability to aggregate data from different sources of truth and present it in one place.

It's a straightforward response since Euler believes that blockchain technology has the capacity to transform the global economy. Ultimately, we want to be a part of this process and collaborate with all of the enthusiastic individuals who are currently actively participating in this revolution. Unfortunately, it is not always simple for novices to break into the field—particularly for those who have little prior understanding of the subject matter.

That is why Euler has developed the Euler Tools product line. We will share our expertise on blockchain and cryptocurrency so that everyone may have a better understanding of these technologies.

The following are the primary characteristics of EULER.Tools:


Euler is a ground-breaking platform that will have a significant impact on the cryptocurrency industry. Euler, a software application that will allow users to manage their portfolios more effectively and securely, will incorporate a number of cutting-edge features that will enhance the user experience. These features will include:

  • The data comes from multiple exchanges and is updated in real time, with pricing and pools updated in real time as well.

  • Compare prices across many exchanges and personalize your charts to your taste with the tools provided.

  • Confirm that you are aware of where the token is being stored in wallets, how much it is worth, and how it is being exchanged.

  • You will be able to keep track of all of your wallets and transactions in one convenient area. It is possible to follow and copy the wallets of other dealers as well.

  • Set up alarm systems to notify you of rugpulls, liquidity depletion, and other events by any channel you want (telegram, sms, mail, browser...) and get notifications via any channel you choose. 2022 Will Include Two New Features

Euler Tools has grown and evolved throughout the course of the previous calendar year. Our new features have been rolling out steadily throughout the year, and two of the most significant are being introduced this month.

  1. The purpose of Euler Tools is to create an online marketplace where users may sell and buy whatever they want under certain terms and restrictions. The marketplace acts as a portal to the P2P nature of Euler Tools, allowing it to become a P2P platform. Almost all of these use cases are addressed, from establishing the price of owned NFTs to enabling projects to conduct private/public sales, token vesting, and salary payments, among other things. It will also be able to trade contract ownerships, such as locking in a token contract or selling it as a model for future use, on the marketplace.

  2. The Dex Aggregator now updates the graph database in real time, which is a significant improvement. It is possible to trade almost any currency without having to leave Euler Tools since it is ready to be incorporated into the user interface. Additionally, customers will be able to see charts in addition to the trading interface.

What is the $Euler Token?

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A buyback mechanism that accumulates value for the seller is provided by as part of their stable deflationary investment product. The $EULER token is used to facilitate this. The EULER token will be used to pay for the functionality provided by The $EULER token grants access to additional Euler Tools functionality. Each transaction with $EULER uses one percent of the total, resulting in a growing price. Holders also get access to the Staking Program and the Explorers Program. Staking EULER produces passive income for those who have more than 4000 EULER in their possession.

Holding 4K or more EULER generates passive income for its holders. EULER is a utility token that includes a staking option. The $EULER token grants access to additional Euler Tools functionality. Each transaction with $EULER uses one percent of the total, resulting in a growing price. Holders also get access to the Staking Program and the Explorers Program.


Every project need the development of something that distinguishes it from the competitors. At this point, Euler tools distinguishes itself from the competition by establishing the value of the token based on use and by offering four primary modules that will cater to diverse user groups. With a great team that is well-worth following and a community that has the potential to develop rapidly. Inside, this project is supported by a team of dedicated individuals who are working around the clock to bridge the gap between real-world physical use cases and blockchain technology. Euler is developing a platform that will enable smooth integrations between conventional ways of living and blockchain technical breakthroughs, which will be available to the whole globe.


AUTHOR: the clay 
BEP-20 WALLET ADDRES: 0x8C88cb42766280454d20F90BBCaBC10E56CD397c

Senin, 17 Januari 2022

WaykiChain: An Innovative Blockchain Technology Company



Innovative blockchain technology and related initiatives are the focus of WaykiChain’s work. Independently designed and researched WaykiChain is leading the industry’s third generation of commercial public blockchain chains. In order to deliver enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure and industry solutions, WaykiChain has developed a robust smart contract engine and the ability to handle blockchain upgrades.

It is the mission of WaykiChain to accelerate the growth of all industries. WaykiChain has created a third-generation blockchain ecosystem based on the integration of on-chain and off-chain blockchains, combining the advantages of bitcoin and ethereum. WaykiChain will use blockchain technology in the financial and entertainment industries to redefine traditional concepts such as assets, currencies, investments, and transactions, and to solve the difficulties of internet exchange, transaction, and value transmission, such as funds, contracts, and digital assets. Using the full suite of decentralized blockchain technologies available through WaykiChain’s ecosystem, individuals and financial institutions can reliably transmit and exchange value over the internet.

WaykiChain’s public chain’s bottom layer is now being enhanced and optimized as a result of the team’s active investment in research and development and the active engagement of users and developers of community ecology. A lot of progress has been made in empowering developers and the application layer. Stablecoin initiatives established at the bottom layer of the public chain continue to improve the potential for decentralized company development as one of the important infrastructures for the De-Fi field championed by WaykiChain.

For blockchain 3.0, WaykiChain not only properly inherits the traits and advantages of a typical blockchain ecosystem, but it also breaks the technological limits of today’s blockchain, allowing it to truly combine blockchain with commercial applications. Aside from that, WaykiChain puts a lot of money into financial technology innovation and R&D, with a particular focus on blockchain technology. WaykiChain, based on its most recent accomplishments, has a clear vision for developing “Blockchain+” and appreciating the value of conventional industries and other industries, constructing a mutually beneficial blockchain ecosystem in the 21st century.

Block Browser

The data presentation system for the WaykiChain application is the block browser. It will display information such as transfer records and account balances based on the blockchain application data. Each and every piece of information is available to anyone who wants to access it.

Browser Wallet Plug-in

You can engage with smart contracts and other decentralized applications on the WaykiChain network via browser wallet plug ins (like WaykiMax), which are a type of lightweight wallet for web browsers. Future releases and exchanges of assets will have fewer hassles and more simplicity of use.

Mobile Wallet

WaykiTimes is a WaykiChain mobile wallet. To help consumers better manage their digital assets and take use of De-Fi and other cutting-edge technologies, it is primarily targeted at crypto-investors, blockchain developers, and other industry partners.

These features and benefits of WaykiChain’s technology can be summarized as follows.

Stablecoin and DEX technology based on the bottom layer of the public chain, the first in the world.

Provide a solid and scalable settlement layer that can satisfy the needs of diverse commercial and financial sectors by supporting the bottom-layer circulation and settlement for five different asset types (underlying, collateral, user-issued, cross-chain-mapping, and smart assets);

· DPoS + pBFT consensus technique can process 3300 transactions per second, which is a major advantage over typical public chains in terms of transaction throughput.

· Security, efficiency, scalability, developer friendliness, and support for many languages are all provided by the multiple virtual machine smart contract execution engine (Lua + WASM).

· Separation of the main chain and sub-chains to better suit industry scalability, transaction performance and customisation needs.

· Diversify asset kinds on the chain and establish reliable interoperability with other public chains by using decentralized atomic cross-chains.

· Oracle is not centralized in any one place. Improved in terms of safety, openness, and scalability.


As part of its mission to develop an autonomous community, WaykiChain has proposed a set of governance and management charters to ensure that individual interests are aligned with those of the community as a whole, resulting in a system that is fair, equal, and open to all. That way, it will continue to push out those who don’t agree with the WaykiChain philosophy, which is a good thing.

To begin, everyone has a role to play in the daily running of society, whether it is through employment or sharing. The WaykiChain community benefits from the efforts of developers, investors, sharers, and evangelists.

For More Information Visit :

AUTHOR: the clay 

Jumat, 14 Januari 2022

Bitseries is the perfect tool to take your business to the next level


People desire to invest in new ventures. We have the largest instrument in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is a large foundation of knowledge where we may accomplish anything. The Internet has linked the whole planet. One of these projects is Bitseries, whose primary purpose is to execute quick and safe transactions through their Mobile platform, Bitseries platform supports All the major currencies and tokens along with leveling the standard of Bitseries via the Bitseries Token. Data science and technology is the driving factor behind this project.

Bitseries Crypto is the perfect tool for taking your business to the next level. With Bitseries, you can make sure that your company is always at the forefront of innovation. Bitseries is a cutting-edge platform that allows you to create and trade digital assets. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve. With Bitseries, you can issue new tokens, track prices, and manage your portfolio with ease.

Raising Capital

Bitseries Crypto is also a great way to raise capital. You can use it to issue new tokens and attract investors from all over the world. In addition, Bits


Every deal adds to the auto-generation of liquidity, which is then channeled into the various liquidity pools used by exchanges.


Bitseries holders gain incentives via static reflection, which allows them to see their balance of bitseries continue to rise in perpetuity.



This will be used to strengthen the community by transferring innovative tools and solutions into blockchain-based local area networks.

Attracting new investors

Bitseries is also a great way to attract new investors. By issuing tokens on the Bitseries platform, you can showcase your company to a global audience. Investors will be able to see everything that your company has to offer, and they’ll be able to buy and sell your tokens with ease. With Bitseries, you can raise capital quickly and easily.

Bitseries is the future of business. With this platform, you can dominate the market and stay ahead of the competition. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to use Bitseries Crypto for your business. It’s the perfect way to stay ahead of the curve. Get started today and see the results for yourself.

Bitseries Crypto is the perfect tool for taking your business to the next level. With Bitseries, you can make sure that your company is always at the forefront of innovation. Bitseries is a cutting-edge platform that allows you to create and trade digital assets. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve. With Bitseries, you can issue new tokens, track prices, and manage your portfolio with ease. Bitseries is also an excellent method of raising funds. It may be used to issue new tokens and attract investors from all around the globe. It is free to use. To further encourage token holders to purchase RFI coins, Bitseries will provide statistical awards to those who do so. You'll be able to track your company's progress in real-time as it grows and evolves into the business of the future. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity - Bitseries provides everything you need to be successful online right now!


What is the reaction of people?

People are eager to put their money into the new initiatives. We have access to the most powerful tool on the planet, which is known as the Internet. The internet is a vast repository of knowledge that allows us to accomplish whatever we want. The Internet has brought the whole globe together. One of these projects is Bitseries, whose primary goal is to enable users to conduct fast and secure transactions through their mobile platform. The Bitseries platform supports all of the major coins and tokens, as well as raising the overall standard of bitseries through the use of the Bitseries Token.

Bitseries Crypto is the perfect tool for taking your business to the next level. With Bitseries, you can make sure that your company is always at the forefront of innovation. Bitseries is a cutting-edge platform that allows you to create and trade digital assets. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve. With Bitseries, you can issue new tokens, track prices, and manage your portfolio with ease.

Bitseries is also a great way to raise capital. You can use it to issue new tokens and attract investors from all over the world. In addition, Bitseries will provide token holders with statistical rewards for buying RFI coins. You’ll be able to monitor growth in real-time as your company develops into the future of business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity - Bitseries has everything that you need to succeed online today!


Is it a perfect solution?

Bitseries Crypto is the perfect tool for taking your business to the next level. With Bitseries, you can make sure that your company is always at the forefront of innovation. Bitseries is a cutting-edge platform that allows you to create and trade digital assets. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve. With Bitseries, you can issue new tokens, track prices, and manage your portfolio with ease.

Concluding terms

The most significant and, as a result, the first bitseries reflection token with the motorcar claim function. If you merely have the bitseries token in your billfold, you'll have access to the 12-tone system of any trade command in the globe. In addition, Bitseries will provide token holders with statistical rewards for buying RFI coins. You’ll be able to monitor growth in real-time as your company develops into the future of business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity - Bitseries has everything that you need to succeed online today!

This is a perfect way to stay ahead of the curve. Get started today and see the results for yourself. Bitseries Crypto is the perfect tool for taking your business to the next level. With Bitseries, you can make sure that your company is always at the forefront of innovation. Bitseries is a cutting-edge platform that allows you to create and trade digital assets. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve.


AUTHOR: the clay 

Selasa, 11 Januari 2022

Lpi Dao- Innovative Role-playing Card Game Based


LPI DAO is thrilled to new partnership, DREEM — Dreem is a marketplace for metaverses. Come build your own tokenized realm, sell it as an NFT, and monetize on it. Use our realm editor, upload existing metaverses or build on top of our existing realms. Access realms through characters which are designable, rent-seeking, time-decomposable NFTs.

Collaboration With DREEM

LPI DAO will be working with DREEM to increase their reach into various market sectors including and not limited to Turkey, China, Russia, India & Indonesia to create additional interest and grow their community. While offering the DREEM team access to a host of Influencers, KOL’s, Launchpads, CEX platforms pre and post launch services and many other industry connections. By coming on board as one of the early backers LPI will be offering a value-added investment to the project. Partnering with only top-quality projects LPI DAO provides strong value and backing to those projects it invests in.


Below you will be able to explore existing features and view product videos of:

  • Initial realms
  • Building and designing realms
  • NFT your realm
  • Rent-seeking NFT based characters
  • Realm tokens
  • Taxes and fees
  • Initial Realms

There will be several realms built by Dreem designers who used the toolkit that will be available for anyone to come and use. These will serve as the initial realms that provide inspiration for expansion. These range from Earth inspired realms to space realms. All are multiplayer and require NFT based characters to enter with an initial selection of monetizable objects and experiences.

NFT Your Realm

Realms can be sold as a NFT, for example if a designer builds and sells a realm with objects to show NFTs or exclusive sounds. This NFT is automatically ported to OpenSea, and can, using smart contracts, provide multiple ownership of 1 NFT. For example if there was multiple collaborators of that realm and the objects/experiences that exist within it. Simply drop your Unity file, videos and if you want to make the realm public or not, and there you go it is as easy as that to sell a realm that you create.

Realm Tokens

Realms can have their own token. Which helps it create its own economy. When the realm DAO or realm owner mints these tokens depends on several factors that are decided by the community that is a part of that realm. The trajectory would look something like this: build the realm, build and drop experiences in the realm, attract people (characters) to the realm, release a realm token, make money, share money.

$DREEM Token Utility

The DREEM token serves as a central tool for governing DREEM and will be used to continuously decentralize the future and put those in the hands of the community. In addition the tokenization, rent, sale and usage of new realms deployed to DREEM can incur a fee structure that relates to the DREEM token and benefits the holders with more options to fund future development and projects on the ecosystem.

Partners & Investors

X21, Shima Capital, Kaso2ka Ventures, NFTtech + IBC Group, DCI Capital, Synapse, Oracles Investment Group, Blackdragon, DuckDAO, Truepnl, Dextforce (Dextools), DAOstarter, Synapse Network, Avstar, Moonstarter, Duckstarter, Ready Player Me, LPI DAO.

Useful Links :

AUTHOR: the clay 

Senin, 10 Januari 2022

new NFT game to get DeFI game that creates new value & life in NFT art


so many NFT game projects developed on blockchain technology were born. Typically an NFT game developed on blockchain technology that is gradually leading in the market is the game Axie Infinity , a game that is both entertaining and can earn money from collecting NFT items to deliver. trading in the market. Because of seeing the potential of the NFT game industry, the Definity Legend game project was born. So how is the Definity Legend game project, let’s learn about Definity Legend in detail.

Definity Legend is a Turn-Based Strategy RPG with a blockchain economy. Players engage in battles with monsters and other players using a team of heroes in a fantasy setting.

As players progress through the game, they will acquire better equipment, heroes, guardians and have access to other features such as Bowels of Tartarus, where fearsome boss fights await!

Main Gameplay Features:

Command a team of heroes against bloodthirsty monsters in a gripping campaign or battle other players in PvP contests.
Don’t fight alone! Form a guild with other players and wage wars against other guilds to conquer lands!
Acquire and Upgrade heroes to form the best battle squad that you can.
Earn NFT rewards that can be used to get even stronger or traded for BITTO potions.
Overcome the most difficult challenges Olympus has to offer by defeating the biggest bosses in Definity Legends universe, to earn even better rewards.
All NFT items can be traded in DLD marketplace!


Blockchain NFT assets (heroes,guardians,equipment, pets, artifacts, etc) will be under BEP-721. Data’s will be stored using InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). DLD will be using Immutable X on ethereum blockchain (for non game related sponsored NFT) which features

Zero gas costs for peer to peer trading.
No custodial risk; users keep their private keys.
Handles up to 9,000 transactions per second.
Not a centralized sidechain.
Supports ERC-20 and ERC-721
Instant settlement, no reverts.
Gaming NFT’s will then be migrated cross chain to BSC to be convereted to in-game playable characters on BSC.

This is only for and ethereum based NFT that crosses over $30,000 in value.

DefinityLegend will be built using the UNITY platform and is currently available only on PC. An integration to a mobile game will be available via the Apple and Google Appstores in the near future.

#definitylegend #blockchain #defi #DLD #metaverse

Utilities of DLD Coin

DLD Coins is the utility currency that can be used to trade for a variety of items in game. The most common use is acquiring new heroes, equipment and guardians.

Treasure Chests

Treasure ChestsThere will be a limited amount of new releases of equipment and weapons every week and are only obtainable through Treasure chests.

Guild In Nation Wars

Guild In Nation Warsbidding to participate in Nation Wars, which allow guilds to contest for lands, are done with DLD coins.


Limited Edition Heroes & Guardians

Limited Edition Heroes & GuardiansChances to obtain limited edition partnership & collaboration sets, stronger heroes, guardian’s or Artefacts!

Billboards advertising shared to owners of lands

Billboard RentalAdvert Billboard can be rented out for placing ad images, by interested Advertisers and/or Publishers.
Our Contributors

BITTO and DeFinity Studio present a combined experience of more than 20 years of gaming experience and 10 years of experience within cryptocurrency and blockchain creating a powerful synergistic team combination.

Bring your NFT to life within the DLD world by selling it on the DLD marketplace. If it’s popular and if it aligns with our style, we will put it in as a seasonal character!

Buy & Sell DLD land.

Play To Earn as you sell DLD NFT assets.

Safe, secure and transparent transactions.

Visit Market


Heroes & Guardians Collection
Visit Your Private DLD Collection


AUTHOR: the clay 

Senin, 03 Januari 2022

Bem-vindo ao MEXC Global



Bem-vindo à MEXC Global, a primeira bolsa de criptomoeda verdadeiramente global do mundo. Estamos comprometidos com a comunidade de comerciantes de criptomoedas, tornando mais fácil negociar, armazenar e gastar suas criptomoedas favoritas em um só lugar. Certifique-se de verificar nosso recurso de chat local, onde você pode se conectar com comerciantes e entusiastas em todo o mundo. Nossa interface amigável e fácil de usar permite que você deposite e retire fundos em segundos, em vez de horas.

MEXC é uma plataforma de negociação de criptomoedas para simplificar a compra e venda de criptomoedas. Com suporte para várias moedas fiduciárias, é fácil para qualquer pessoa se envolver, seja você novo em criptografia ou já comprando e vendendo há anos. A MEXC é especialista no mercado de criptomoedas e usa sua experiência para ajudá-lo a encontrar o melhor preço para suas moedas. Sem gráficos complicados ou confusos - apenas informações de mercado transparentes, ajudando você a tomar uma decisão informada em cada negociação. E sem taxas ocultas, mantemos nossa promessa de profissionais transparentes.
A MEXC combina as vantagens da criptomoeda moderna com a negociação clássica, revolucionando os sistemas de pagamento e negociação. Este é o próximo nível na evolução dos mercados Fintech e Crypto.

Obtenha acesso global rápido a mercados criptográficos de alta liquidez com MEXC. Negocie suas criptomoedas favoritas em apenas alguns cliques em mais de 50 mercados com alguns dos melhores criadores de mercado ao redor.
O portfólio MEXC é uma plataforma de negociação completa para todos. Com um painel de negociação integrado e fácil de usar, a carteira MEXC torna a compra e venda de criptografia o mais fácil possível.

A MEXC Global é uma bolsa de criptomoeda descentralizada construída para atender ao comércio crescente de ativos digitais, incluindo moedas criptográficas e fiduciárias. Somos um grupo de indivíduos que compartilham a mesma paixão por um ecossistema financeiro descentralizado que evita instituições e bancos para permitir que os usuários regulem seu próprio dinheiro.

Sobre MEXC Global

Fundada em 2018, a MEXC Global é conhecida como a empresa de tecnologia de correspondência de troca e mega transação de alto desempenho. A equipe MEXC Global é uma das pioneiras em tecnologia de finanças e blockchain. Atualmente, a MEXC Global atende a mais de 6 milhões de usuários em mais de 70 países ao redor do mundo e nós apenas começamos. Esta magnífica conquista é um marco significativo, e a MEXC Global tem como objetivo se tornar a plataforma de referência para novos traders e investidores experientes à medida que progridem em sua jornada financeira.

A MEXC Global está presente em todos os continentes, obtendo licenças essenciais e passando jurisdições em países como Canadá, Austrália, Estônia e Estados Unidos. A MEXC Global também oferece suporte em idiomas localizados para investidores de diferentes países, tornando mais fácil para eles negociar. A bolsa na MEXC Global é um mecanismo de negociação de alto desempenho que foi desenvolvido por especialistas do setor bancário e é capaz de completar 1,4 milhões de transações por segundo, resultando em eficiência inovadora e desempenho aprimorado. A segurança do usuário é uma alta prioridade na MEXC Global, por isso nossos servidores são hospedados de forma independente em vários países, garantindo integridade e segurança de dados ideais.


#MEXClistings #MXDeFi #Metaverse #gasdao #Futures #Trading $ MX

Informações de Contato:

AUTHOR: the clay