Senin, 17 Januari 2022

WaykiChain: An Innovative Blockchain Technology Company



Innovative blockchain technology and related initiatives are the focus of WaykiChain’s work. Independently designed and researched WaykiChain is leading the industry’s third generation of commercial public blockchain chains. In order to deliver enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure and industry solutions, WaykiChain has developed a robust smart contract engine and the ability to handle blockchain upgrades.

It is the mission of WaykiChain to accelerate the growth of all industries. WaykiChain has created a third-generation blockchain ecosystem based on the integration of on-chain and off-chain blockchains, combining the advantages of bitcoin and ethereum. WaykiChain will use blockchain technology in the financial and entertainment industries to redefine traditional concepts such as assets, currencies, investments, and transactions, and to solve the difficulties of internet exchange, transaction, and value transmission, such as funds, contracts, and digital assets. Using the full suite of decentralized blockchain technologies available through WaykiChain’s ecosystem, individuals and financial institutions can reliably transmit and exchange value over the internet.

WaykiChain’s public chain’s bottom layer is now being enhanced and optimized as a result of the team’s active investment in research and development and the active engagement of users and developers of community ecology. A lot of progress has been made in empowering developers and the application layer. Stablecoin initiatives established at the bottom layer of the public chain continue to improve the potential for decentralized company development as one of the important infrastructures for the De-Fi field championed by WaykiChain.

For blockchain 3.0, WaykiChain not only properly inherits the traits and advantages of a typical blockchain ecosystem, but it also breaks the technological limits of today’s blockchain, allowing it to truly combine blockchain with commercial applications. Aside from that, WaykiChain puts a lot of money into financial technology innovation and R&D, with a particular focus on blockchain technology. WaykiChain, based on its most recent accomplishments, has a clear vision for developing “Blockchain+” and appreciating the value of conventional industries and other industries, constructing a mutually beneficial blockchain ecosystem in the 21st century.

Block Browser

The data presentation system for the WaykiChain application is the block browser. It will display information such as transfer records and account balances based on the blockchain application data. Each and every piece of information is available to anyone who wants to access it.

Browser Wallet Plug-in

You can engage with smart contracts and other decentralized applications on the WaykiChain network via browser wallet plug ins (like WaykiMax), which are a type of lightweight wallet for web browsers. Future releases and exchanges of assets will have fewer hassles and more simplicity of use.

Mobile Wallet

WaykiTimes is a WaykiChain mobile wallet. To help consumers better manage their digital assets and take use of De-Fi and other cutting-edge technologies, it is primarily targeted at crypto-investors, blockchain developers, and other industry partners.

These features and benefits of WaykiChain’s technology can be summarized as follows.

Stablecoin and DEX technology based on the bottom layer of the public chain, the first in the world.

Provide a solid and scalable settlement layer that can satisfy the needs of diverse commercial and financial sectors by supporting the bottom-layer circulation and settlement for five different asset types (underlying, collateral, user-issued, cross-chain-mapping, and smart assets);

· DPoS + pBFT consensus technique can process 3300 transactions per second, which is a major advantage over typical public chains in terms of transaction throughput.

· Security, efficiency, scalability, developer friendliness, and support for many languages are all provided by the multiple virtual machine smart contract execution engine (Lua + WASM).

· Separation of the main chain and sub-chains to better suit industry scalability, transaction performance and customisation needs.

· Diversify asset kinds on the chain and establish reliable interoperability with other public chains by using decentralized atomic cross-chains.

· Oracle is not centralized in any one place. Improved in terms of safety, openness, and scalability.


As part of its mission to develop an autonomous community, WaykiChain has proposed a set of governance and management charters to ensure that individual interests are aligned with those of the community as a whole, resulting in a system that is fair, equal, and open to all. That way, it will continue to push out those who don’t agree with the WaykiChain philosophy, which is a good thing.

To begin, everyone has a role to play in the daily running of society, whether it is through employment or sharing. The WaykiChain community benefits from the efforts of developers, investors, sharers, and evangelists.

For More Information Visit :

AUTHOR: the clay 

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